Part 1

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Author POV

She wakes up late because she's tired from her night work so probably she's late in her first day in university

She wear black pants and brown hoodie with her matching shoes and eye glasses that's make her nerd

She's s living in a low quality apartment that near at the University. So she only need to walk by going to school. She have a part time job every night and every weekend. That's the only way to support her needs in apartment and food. She doesn't have a problem in her tuition pay because she is a high scholar in JK University, the one of the richest university in this country

She's's living alone in the city, she's not familiar to city life she's from a small town. She's living independently trying to pursue her dream alone. The dream of being one of the best photographer one day. She literary a nerd because of the way she suit she only have 3 pants, 3 t shirt, 2 hoodie and a pair of shoes. That's the only things she can afford right now

She works as bartender every night 6 pm to 12 am, and every weekend as a waiter in the restaurant.

She have a brown doe eyes, and long eyelashes with a shiny short hair, she still look pretty handsome even she has a bad fashion

"Ms. Manoban!" The professor called her.

She's in her deep sleep until someone poke her.

"Hey wake up, professor is calling you" someone beside her said while trying to wake her up

She's slowly open her eyes when someone poke her.

"Ms. Manoban!" Her professor call her again.

She got startled with the sudden complete name called. "Why are you sleeping in the first day of school?"

"Uhm...sorry Mrs. Villanueva" she said before bowing and quickly listen to the lecture.

She's's 3rd year in college, photography course but his new to this big university, she finish his 1st and 2nd year college in some of public college school she transfer because she got a scholarship in the University

After sometime

Lisa POV

After the bell rang, I'm fixing my things and quickly proceed to school canteen because I'm really hungry since morning. I didn't eat because I'm pretty late

I'm currently in my table eating alone nobody want to be my friend and even approach me except to someone who has problem in academic

While I'm eating, I noticed the crowd is getting wild especially the boys but I didn't mind that as I'm busy eating my food

"Hey look she's so beautiful" someone said feeling amuse.

"Ohh I heard that's the daughter of the owner of the university" someone added that makes me look were they looking

Wow! That's the only word that come out to my mouth after I see her

She's beautiful, sexy, a little savage, perfect that's the only words I can describe to her, love at first sight? Omo maybe


Jennie POV

As always the crowd is getting wild again. We're here in canteen eating our lunch my suitors starting to approach me, that's how my beautiful I am. Well I'm the queen bee and the owner of this school. Yes I'm the owner because Dad's build this university for me, from the name of this. JKUniversity. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim that's my name

I have a lot of suitor, including the campus crush the captain of basketball, Kim Taehyung he's handsome and rich like me.

"rich is for rich" "famous is for famous"

"This is the benefits of being your friend" Rosie one of my friends said as she busy eating the chocolate that give by one of my suitor.

"Hmm this flower is smell so good I will take this" Irene said hugging the bouquet of flowers

"You can have all of that, we understand since there's no someone that will give you flower" Nayeon said teasing Irene that make us laugh

"Shut up guys" Irene said pissing off

My friends are the one eating and keeping the things that given by my suitors. Flowers, chocolate, Cake and many more. I really didn't like but this bitches (my friend) keep accepting it. Well they said they have a benefits on it so.

"Hi beautiful" My famous suitor greet me handing me a bouquet of flowers and expensive chocolate that quickly accept by my bitches (my friend)

"Thank you V" Rosie said opening the chocolate. I throw rosie a glare for grabbing the chocolate.

"Sorry tae" I apologize looking at my friend busy eating and smelling the flowers and chocolate.

"No it's okay, since they are your friend" Taehyung replied while looking at my friend eating the chocolate that he brought for me

"You busy later?" He ask with flirty tone

"Yeah, I have something to do sorry" I replied sadly but the truth it's only excuse cuz I don't really like to go out with him especially alone. He have a pervert side that I don't like that's why until now he's not my boyfriend.

"I understand" he replied feeling disappointed

"Ok so, see you when I see you" he said after I reject him. He always leave after I disappoint him to be honest I don't like him. I only entertain him because of my pride, he's famous in this university so it's add for being famous that the campus crush is courting the queen bee, is it beautiful?

"You reject him again?" Nayeon ask while looking at me.

"Yeah, you know I don't like him and he have a pervert side every time we're alone which is I don't like" I replied before standing ready to leave

"Your leaving?" Rosie ask while busy eating her I mean my chocolate cuz ofcourse that's given by my famous suitor.

"Yeah" I replied shortly and about to go

"What! But I'm not finish yet" she added

"That's your problem, I'll go first then" I said as I leave them


To be continued ❤️

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