S3 Chapter 11: Station Break-In

Start from the beginning

They saw a meteorite go near the planet and it exploded.

Spark: I don't think we can brake in there.

Knuckles: How do you know you can't break in, unless you try?

Tails: You saw what happened to that meteorite. It's too dangerous!

Sonic: Hey, guys, we need to come up with a plan here.

???: Don't worry about that, Sonic. I've got it all figured out.

Eggman video called them.

Eggman: I have a proposal for you.

Sonic: I've gotta hear this.

Eggman: Why don't we join our forces and work together?

Sonic: What's that?

Y/n: Give us a moment to converse with ourselves.

Eggman: Take your time.

They put the call on hold.

Cream: We shouldn't work with Eggman. He's trying to trick us.

Cheese: Chao chao!

Amy: Yeah, don't even think about it, Knuckles.

Knuckles: I didn't say anything!

Sonic: I think we should work with Eggman. Our chances are better that way.

Tails: I agree.

Y/n: Well, although our chances would be better, the point still stands we can't trust him. So just keep your guards up.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Y/n turned off the hold.

Sonic: All right. Let's go for it, Eggman.

Chris: So, how're we gonna to get in the base?

Eggman: We can sneak in without getting caught by using Chaos Control.

He showed Shadow.

Eggman: Here's what we'll do. The first group in will head to the computer that controls the security system. They're responsible for shutting it down. Then the rest of us can sneak into the base undetected.

Sonic: Sounds cool!

Knuckles: What'll we do when we find the Emeralds, though? Will we share them 50/50?

Eggman: Whoever gets to them first can keep them.

Sonic gave a thumbs up.

Sonic: It's a deal!

Eggman: To make sure it's a fair contest, both sides will supply members for the entry team. I've selected Shadow and Rouge to represent our side.

Y/n: That sounds fair. We shall converse again to see who'll represent us.

The held the call again.

Spark: All right, so who's representing us?

Amy: Count me out! I refuse to join any team with Shadow and Rouge, because I don't like them.

Chaos: That didn't stop you from hugging Shadow back on Prison Island.

Amy: Hey, that's because I thought he was Sonic!

Star: Exactly how many times have you confused other hedgehogs for Sonic?

Amy: More than I'd like to admit.

Knuckles: I'm not goin', either. I won't work with that burglaring bat anymore.

Cream: Maybe we should pick a name out of a hat.

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