Shits going down

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Rianne's POV

I walked around the mansion trying to find Arm. We had a schedule to go somewhere today and we were late already. I had looked all over the place, I even asked some bodyguards around if they had seen him but they all said no. I was just walking around the mansion till I heard some

"Let go!!" I looked at that way and saw Tankhun.. throwing a tantrum, trying to get away from Arm and Pol. I rushed my way there and spoke

"What's happening here, Khun" I looked at Arm and he was struggling to stop Khun from getting away. What even was happening.

"Khun please calm down" Arm begged.

"Why don't you wait in your room for further news?" Pol spoke

"Pol? What news?" They completely ignored my question. What the fuck was happening?

"Khun stop! It's dangerous outside!!" I spoke knowing he's probably not on his right state of mind right now.

"Let me go now!"

"I will find Porsche and Porchay!!!"
looked at them confused. Isn't Porsche and Chay in the mansion?

"How do you know where to find Porsche and Chay!?" Pol asked frantically.

"I don't care!"

"Khun, please listen" I spoke to Khun also trying to stop him. Suddenly Pol was pushed by the should by non other than Kim...

"What did you just say?"

"Let go!" Khun threw his arms and finally got away from Arm and Pol.

"Porsche and Porchay, we don't know where they are"

"They left the house!" Khun added.

"And you just told me now? I was asking you seconds ago!" I almost shouted at Pol but I tried to contain myself. I'm mad cause I don't know where the fuck they could be right now. They couldn't have been kidnapped cause we would know immediately. And shit!? What about Chay!?

"They left the house and I don't know where they are!" Khun said almost crying.

"I asked Kinn but he didn't answer. He kept standing still" Khun continued

"And what the fuck happened here!?" Kim shouted out.

"I don't know! I don't know if they're dead or alive! I don't even know what happened to them! And I'm gonna go find them! LET ME GO!!!" Khun explained then once again tried to run away from his bodyguards grip. Kim and I looked at eachother before we both made our way to his car. Yes, twin telepathy. But before we even got closer to the car. Someone spoke stoping us

"Khun Kim, Khun Rianne. Your father is calling you" I hesitated for a minute before walking back inside the mansion. Kim followed me after a few seconds. Kim and I made our way to Papa's meeting room to see Kinn already there with Pete.

"I called you here... Cause we tracked Porsche. He's at a temple just around here. His uncle is currently staying there. He is probably there to ask some things to his Uncle... Kinn and Pete you go. Rianne and Kim, you stay here"

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