After finding out the truth

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Rianne's POV

I rushed to my car and drove to Kim's. I know you might be asking what's with the rush? Kim told me to get to his place cause he knew he would need some support after Chay found out about the truth. I got to Kim's place in 5 minutes and I parked. His maid welcomed me and asked

"Khun.. what's with the rush?

"Where's Kim?"

"He's upstairs" I nodded and made my way there. I saw him playing his guitar and he seemed to be more chilled compared to me.

"I'm pretty sure.. Chay's about to make his way here"

"What even happened? How did Porchay know?" 

"Well... Tankhun happened. He told Chay about the fact that he raised 2 brothers and one sister. Chay was confused since he knew that it was only Kinn and I.. Khun showed a picture and you know... The rest is happening right now."

"..... Water?" Asked handing me a glass of water.

"Thanks" I stopped for a minutes after drinking the water before asking.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Well... I'm supposed to be recording today so I'll be leaving if only you didn't text me"

"Can I come with you?"

"You don't have any interest in my passion, why come?"

"Cause I wanna see"

"Whatever you say .. let's go now" Kim said

"So I literally rushed here and we're just gonna end up in your studio?"

"Yea.. it seems. Let's go" I stood up and followed him downstairs. We were about to exit the house, someone stood at the door. It was Porchay... Kim was about to walk pass Chay as if he didn't see him, not until Chay spoke

"Hello Kim, the youngest son of the main family" I stopped in my tracks and watched the two.

"Are you used to your new home now" Kim asked.. okay not a very appropriate thing to say at this very moment.

"So you knew all along that I'm Porsche's brother?" Kim didn't answer but awkwardly looked down.

"Yes, if not why would I tutor you?" Chay started sniffling at this point

"How could you say that?"

"If there's nothing, excuse us. Rianne come on" Kim said and was about to walk out but Chay stopped him.

"Let me just ask you this, did you ever love me?" Once again, Kim didn't answer

"Huh? Kim..." Kim just looked back at the broken hearted teen and said

"I'm sorry" before pushing Chay's hands off his arm. My heart broke for Chay... He only loved Kim..
I went to Chay trying to help him with his tears but I heard Kim shouting my name. I couldn't do anything about it so I ran after my shameless brother and followed him to his car. I slammed Kim's car door and looked at Porchay who was now on the ground crying.

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