Mad as hell

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Rianne's POV
Alot of swearing ahead

It was 10 pm and I was still with Arm. We were back to talking about a lot of things that was insignificant but oddly enough we found joy in talking about them.

"Where's your tattoo?" He asked looking around in my arms.

"It's under my collarbone" I said and pulled down the neck seam of my shirt and showed him my "YOU <3" tattoo.

"Have you not seen this one?" I asked and lifted my index finger that then showed my "HELLO" tattoo in the side of my finger.

"You literally have the most random tattoos ever but they're cute" I nodded and was about to speak but then got cut off because of my phone ringing.

"How many times will I get cut off today by a fucking call?" I groaned out of annoyance. I swear if it's Kim again.. I'm cursing his fucking ass.

"Calm down, who is it?" I looked at the callers ID and yep...again.. Kim fucking Han. I looked at Arm clearly pissed cause this is the second fucking time and i was asking myself internally... How shameless is this guy to call me TWICE... after whatever the fuck he had done.

"You answer it" I said and gave him my phone. He looked at me hesitantly and didn't accept the call at first.

"Please Arm, I don't wanna talk to him right now"

"No you answer that, it must be important?"

"What if it isn't?"

"Still, accept it" I didn't wanna argue anymore so I just accepted the call and heard Kim speaking and sounding angry.

"Rianne! Do you know where Porchay was tonight?" My face immediately showed even more anger hearing the tone of voice he's using right now.

"What do you think?" I answered nonchalantly but feeling myself start to get even more angry.

"He was at the club with his friends!"


"They were drinking and he was literally being fed fucking drugs!"

"Why the fuck are you mad at me? I wasn't the one who gave him consent to go to the fucking club!?"

"You were with him earlier today!"

"How the fuck do you even know that!? You're fucking creepy! And what if I was with him earlier today!?"

"Why didn't you stop him!?"

"If I knew he was going to the fucking club then I would have stopped him! But I didn't fucking know!" I raised my voice.

"See, this is why you are fucking irresponsible"

"Fuck you, Kim" I dropped the call and slammed my phone down the table. I looked at Arm angrily and stood up.

"Arm, come on. We're picking Chay up"

"From where?"

"I'll ask him" I took my phone and messaged Chay to open his location.

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