Messing with the minor family

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Rianne's POV

I got out of the tub and changed to some nightwear. I took my phone with me and walked out of my room and to the garden. I walked just trying to exhaust myself just so that I can fall asleep. I was lost in thoughts when I heard footsteps. I looked back and saw Big. Once he saw me he bowed and asked

"What are you doing here? Khun?"

"Hey there's absolutely no need to bow and call me Khun.... I'm just taking a walk, what happened to Porsche?"

"Khun Kinn made us leave, maybe he needed a talk with Porsche"

"He's stressing me out"

"If only I wasn't injured"

"Actually... I appreciate that you're injured. Why? Oh cause you get to be mine..." I looked at him while smirking to myself.

"Well... I was indeed your head bodyguard before"

"Wanna return?"

"But you're gonna leave again.."

"What If I don't?"

"Then I'll be yours again"

"I'll think about it" with that I walked back inside and walked to Papa's room. I look around and spotted him writing down things. I sat on the couch and spoke.


"Yes dear?"

"The newbie was drunk on duty"

"Big reported that ..."

"Are you sure we're still keeping him?"

"Kia... Yes we're keeping him, just a little more. Okay?"

"Pa he's putting Kinn's life in danger"

"Kia, trust me" I just nodded and walked out. Saying goodnight on my way out.
I went back to my room and closed the lights and played some calming music and fell asleep. We have a meeting with the minor family tomorrow.

Next day

I changed to some blazer and pants set and put my ring on. Today I'll be seeing my cousins and uncle again... Am I ready? Maybe. I checked the time and it was 11:52. They'll be here in a few minutes. I walked to the meeting room/ bar of our mansion and sat next to Kinn.

"Ready?" He asked while playing with his pen.

"No" I said without any emotions and stayed silent the whole time. Soon the door opened and there they are. Uncle Kan and Vegas. Kinn and I stood up to bow to them... They're still our relatives. They bowed back and soon we all sat down.

"Kia, nice to see you again" Uncle said as he looked at me, I smiled and looked at Vegas with my brow raised.

"How was Germany? Kia?" Vegas asked shifting all the attention to me.

"It's great. But that's not the point of this meeting right? So let's go straight to what we're supposed to be talking about" I said and looked at Kinn, signaling him to start talking.

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