Chapter 25- I forgive you :)

Start from the beginning

He says this as he dug into his pocket for the note, he pulls it out and gently hands it to his friend.

J: " It's the note I wrote to her already? "

S: " Oh? What note? I don't think I ever got to read it. "

J: " Here. "

Jake hands it back to the guy possessing it before him.

If you have read this already, feel free to skip it <3
I am dearly sorry for what I said, but before you throw this letter away, I just want you to hear me out... please. I just wanted to explain what happened that night. I don't expect you to let me back in the club or even forgive me. I just owe you an apology. I was manipulated to say those things by Drew, Zoey, Lia, Liam, and Henry. They got into my head and said all these things about you guys using me. Clearly, since they had just spilled all this fake information on me now, I believed them. I stood up for you once, but that didn't stop them from trying to get me on your bad side. I was overloaded with silly information and I kinda said all of those things about you and the club. They recorded me saying it. A normal conversation wouldn't be recorded like that, which is why I need you to believe me on this. If it had just been a normal conversation without all the manipulation, it wouldn't have been recorded. So saying this, I am sorry. Deeply. I am also sorry for making you snap earlier, it wasn't my intention. If you read it all through, thanks for listening. I love the club like my own family, but it's okay if you don't believe me or let me back in. I just wanted to apologize.
- Jake Sterling

S: " Oh. "

J: " Yeah. "

Jake flips over the note. He goes wide eyed and the biggest smile appears on his face. Wrote on the back of the note reads: " I forgive you :) "

The handwriting is very sloppy and shaky. But it's obvious that Hailey wrote it. Two obvious reasons, it's on the back of her note, it's her handwriting. Now, the teal girl had nice handwriting, but this time it was shaky and rushed. Jake appreciated the fact though. That she forgave him.


But he did have a doubt she actually forgave him. What if she just said that because she felt bad about what happened, she didn't actually forgive him for the audio? What if no one else forgave him?


He looked over to his boyfr- best friend. And smiled.

J: " You forgive me.. right? "

S: " Of course Jake. I know it wasn't your intention to actually badmouth us like that. The Jake I knew would never do that! "

J: " Thanks Sean. It means a lot. "

S: " Of course, and make sure to get some rest, you'll need it. "

J: " I will. "

The two hear the door open, their friend, Milly walks in. She stops dead in her tracks. Her eyes go wide and she stares at Jake. It seems a turn of events has just happened for her. Any person could see the surprise and shock in her eyes, there was a lot of it. Her eyes started to leak like a soft running faucet. She stared for a couple more seconds. She stared at Jake and Jake stared at her. He was smiling ever so gently at the pink haired devil. And in an instant, the girl ran over to him and hugged him.. hugged the boy so tightly yet so softly. She didn't feel like letting go, as she knew he was hugging her back this time. This time, it was joy, happiness, and surprise. No doubt Milly was ecstatic.

M: " Jakey! Jake Jake Jake I missed you too much don't you ever do that to me again! "

She told him off in a very caring way as she let him go. Jake chuckled a bit.

M: " Why are you laughing? "

J: " I'm not going to do that again, I promise. I won't leave you. "

M: " You promised it and I'll hate your guts if you do leave me! "

Sean laughed too. He pulled out his phone from Milly's pocket, though Milly didn't seem to care or even notice at all.

S: " I'm going to call Hailey and tell her you're awake. Oh and I suppose I should get your Mother too, she's uh at the store or something I really don't know at this point. I think she's getting peaches. "

M: " I'll go tell Luke! "

Milly instantly ran out of the room to the direction that the couple's room was at. Sean slowly rolled out of the room to start a conversation with Hailey about Jake. The peach boy sighed.

J: " Alone again. "


A few minutes later, Jake sees Milly walk in the room followed by Luke. Luke looks stressed and Milly looks pure in Euphoria. Since Jake knows what happened to make Luke look like that, he doesn't bother to ask what happened. He just holds his arms out for Luke. It's not for himself, it's for the Auburn haired friend. He looks like he really needs it. Luke takes the hug and he takes it tightly and much appreciated.

L: " Welcome back Jake. "

J: " Thanks, Luke. Means a lot. "


J: " Thanks for saving my life too.. I don't think I can ever repay you for that. "

L: " Oh, you don't need to thank me. I saved you because you are my friend. "

Luke smiled at Jake.

What a liar. He only saved me because Zander was involved. Jake thought. He always thought the worst, so this was no different. His eyes fell sad. And his heart cracked.

J: " Was it Zander? "

L: " What? "

J: " Did you save me because Zander was involved? "

L: " It was because of Zander that you're living, he just ran out of the house. You and Zoey would be dead at the bottom of the lake if Zander didn't randomly run out of his house. I only followed. "

J: " Yeah, but if Zander didn't get into the crash, would you save me too? "

L: " No because I wouldn't even have known you were there in the first place. "

J: " Like if Zander didn't get hit. Like he was there and didn't get hit. "

L: " Jake. Of course I would save you? Did the crash mess with your head at all? "

J: " Maybe. Just asking. "

S: " Jake. Your Mother is on her way, she's picking up Milo too. "

J: " Is anyone else coming? "

S: " Hailey and Lia are asleep, Milo and Bethany picked up the phone. "

J: " Wait, where's Daisy? "

S: " She went along with your Mom. For some reason I don't know. "

J: " I don't blame her, I wouldn't like watching her in a hospital bed all day either. "

S: " True. They will be back in about half an hour. Daisy doesn't know you're awake yet, surprise I guess. "

J: " Oooooh! "


Daisy, Milo, and Jake's Mom enter the room. Daisy's eyes widen as she sees Jake is awake. Her smile instantly grows 10 times the size it was before...


Word Count: 1,692

Total Word Count: 45,581

A/N: Hey I'm early this time and not taking 5 weeks >:D And this time updating at 3am lets go!


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