"Look, I wanted to hate you so bad, I wanted to scare you away so she wouldn't be at risk of getting hurt again but when I saw you two together I knew you actually love her, flaws and all. She's happy. She's finally truly happy and that's partly because of you." Her hand was placed on my shoulders and she gave it a gentle squeeze.

"That means a lot, Kristie really. Definitely coming from you. You're important to her." I smiled at the blonde and stood up as well.

Kristie pulled me into a hug that we both needed after this conversation. Ella meant a lot to us both and talking about what she had been through was hard on the both of us.

"Please take care of her. I can't take her being hurt again." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"I'll do my best."

Ellie's pov

For the first time in a while I woke up quite late. Alexia was already up and doing God knows what and I only vaguely remembered her getting up.

Once I was up and dressed Kristie, Alexia and I had breakfast together. There was a chill atmosphere hanging around the kitchen, even Kristie and Ale were laughing and goofing off, both girls had warmth up to each other.

Sadly the time had come to say goodbye. Kristie had to go back to the States to finish her rehab and to continue her season.

Ale and I would drop her off at the airport. There was no way I would let her get a taxi and that way I could spend more time with her before she actually had to leave.

"Is it selfish that I want you to stay?" I mumbled into her shoulder.

We were standing in the middle of the airport and it was now officially time to say goodbye. I had my arms tightly wrapped around her shoulders and my head buried in them. She kisses the top of my head. 

"No, because I want to stay as well but I have to go." She sighed out sadly. I fought the tears that were welling up in my eyes and I knew she was doing the same while she dragged her hand up and down my back to calm me down.

"I know. I'm gonna miss you though." I whispered, tightening my hold on her.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She said as she tightened the hug as well before tapping on my back, indicating to let go.

I did as I was told but she didn't let go completely. She grabbed both my shoulders and held me at arms length, looking at me with an intense stare.

"Call me. Every week and I'll be cheering you on okay?" She sternly told me and stared directly into my eyes.

"I will. Text me when you land?" I nodded and asked her in return.

"I will. Keep her around will ya? She's a good one. I approve. Not that you need my approval." She gestured with her head to Alexia's direction and ruffled up my hair.

I swatted her hand away and glared at her for a few seconds before my glare turned into a small smile.

"Thanks Kristie. It means a lot." I pulled her in for one last hug.

"I really have to go." She mumbled into my shoulder and gave me one last squeeze.

"Take care." She pulled away gently and I could see the tears in her eyes well up.

"You too." I sadly smiled at her.

Kristie moved over to Alexia and pulled her into a brief hug. They shared a few words and a sweet goodbye. It made my heart swell seeing them get along so well. Once they parted as well, Kristie waved one final time before I watched her walk away, disappearing into the crowd.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now