Forty Four

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“Think I like you best when you're just with me and no one else.”

Hoseok woke up to the sound of falling rain beating against the windows. It sounded as if it were downpouring. He flinched as he heard the sound of thunder, feeling the arms around him squeeze him tighter.

"What time is it?" He mumbled, burying his face into the warm blanket.

"Eight." Yoongi answered, his morning voice deep and raspy.

"It's storming." He stated the obvious. He heard Yoongi hum in agreement, both boys saying nothing afterwards.

It was comforting to be held again, even if Jimin wasn't the one doing it. He relished the feeling of Yoongis warmth, closing his eyes in an attempt to sleep again. All chances of that crumbled when Yoongi rest his head in the crook of his neck, his warm breath fanning onto Hoseok.

His hair tickled the side of the youngers face but he didn't care to move, Yoongis close proximity making his breath hitch. This man was not good for his asthma.

"You're so tense." Yoongi pointed out, his voice barely above a whisper and his eyes still closed.

"I'm trying not to be." He swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes opening and staring at the wall across from him.

Yoongi hummed, "Good."

Neither of them wanted to move from this position, and Yoongi thought that he could stay like this for hours, no matter how much he tried to deny it. Their legs were tangled together under the blanket, both of their body's warm unlike the weather outside.

It was early October, and the leaves had begun to become pretty colors like orange, red and yellow. There was plenty other reasons why Fall was Yoongis favorite season, but that reason was his favorite.

Fall was comforting and reminded him of when he was a kid, when his family actually liked seeing eachother. Like when he would go trick or treating with his little cousins or when he would get to pick out the perfect pumpkin to carve.

He hasnt done any of that since he went into the double digits.

Without thinking, he lifted a hand up, running it delicately through Hoseoks tousled hair. Hoseok flinched from the unexpected touch, signaling to Yoongi that he was still awake.

"Tell me about your childhood." He said softly, catching Hoseoks attention.

Hoseok paused for a moment, thinking hard on what to tell him.

"I don't really remember much from my childhood, I think that's mostly because of trauma."

Yoongi hummed, nodding, "That's okay."

"But I do know that my uhm, father, he liked to mess around with a lot of women, because my mom died when I was young. I never said anything about it, he did his own thing and I did my own thing. We never had much of a relationship because I avoided him most of my life."

"Mhm." Yoongi encouraged him to keep talking.

Hoseok took a deep breath before continuing.

"When I was a few months into my relationship with Jimin, I had.. decided to come out to him. It didn't go well and I ended up being rushed to the hospital. I would of died if Jimin didn't get there in time."

"He hurt you?"

Yoongis voice was soothing and showed that he wasn't forcing Hoseok to answer the question, letting it sit between them for Hoseok to decide if he wanted to answer.

Hoseok cleared his throat, "Uh..Yeah, he did."

Yoongi paused, letting his hand travel down to Hoseoks face, caressing it softly, "And where is he now?"

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