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Hoseok opened his mouth to speak but someone was suddenly standing above him. He looked up to see the man from earlier.

"Uh- I'll go now.." He said, standing up from his seat, quickly saying bye to the boys and hurrying back to the bar, where his friend was.

"I cant believe you made me go over there!" Hoseok whisper-yelled, punching his friend in the arm.

"Hobi, you're fine." Taehyung chuckled, taking a big gulp of his drink.

"No I'm not!" He whined, "Those guys were scary, especially the blonde one." Hoseok shuddered, thinking back to their conversation.

Taehyung smirked.

"Maybe you two could-"

"-No!" Hoseok shut him down quickly. Taehyung sighed.

"Hoseok, you cant just avoid every guy that comes along."

Hoseok stayed silent, having already heard this speech a hundred times. He lightly pushed Taehyungs hand away that was on his shoulder.

"Okay I get it, you want me to happy or whatever." He mumbled.

Taehyung frowned.

Hoseok sighed, "I'm leaving. Dont get too drunk cause I'm not picking your ass up at two in the morning." He gave Taehyung a stern look who put a hand over his heart.

"I promise I won't."

Hobi eyed him warily, "Good." He exited the club building after bumping into many horny adults. He unlocked his car when he was almost to it, getting in and starting it. This reminded him of the night he met his ex.

"You're gonna trust me to take you home?" He laughed, head tilting back, his hair falling into his eyes.

Hoseok laughed as well.

"Yes! Now hurry and unlock the car I'm freezing out here." He rubbed his hands together from the cold wind.

"I'm hurrying."

"Hurry faster."

Hobi shook his head clear of those thoughts, starting his drive back home.
"There's no way in hell you actually gave that kid my number." Yoongi told Jungkook who smirked.

"You're right. I gave him mine."

Yoongi laughed at that taking a drink from his glass, "Then why arent you up there dancing with him?"

Jungkook looked around the room at Yoongis statement, "He's dancing?"

Yoongi hummed, "Sure is, now that we speak of it, someones about to talk to him, better go get what's yours."

Jungkooks eyes widened as he finally noticed the boy he talked to earlier and he got out of his seat turning to Yoongi.

"Just watch." He smirked before going over to the drunk boy.

Yoongi watched his best friend chase a man away from the brown haired boy. They were dancing not a minute later.

That gave Yoongi time to think about Jung Hoseok. The name was definitely familiar to him but he couldn't place his finger on how he knew it. He wondered why the boy wanted his full name.

Yoongi liked how Hoseok was scared of him. There was a reason to be scared in his case.

He downed the rest of his drink.

"Hey boss." The man smiled, showing his dimples.

"Hi. I need information on Jung Hoseok." Yoongi demanded, sitting down in his leather chair.

"Yes sir." Namjoon said, closing the door and quickly leaving.

Yoongi poured himself a glass of whiskey. Jung Hoseok intrigued him. There was something so familiar about him that made Yoongi need to find out. He waited impatiently, looking down at his sheet of requests.

There was one that caught his eye.

Kim Seokjin-24 MALE.

reason of request- enemy.

Yoongi studied the pictures beside it. Seokjin was what you would call very handsome, pretty even. He couldn't let that go to waste.

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