Twenty three

187 22 1

Somewhere deep in Japan....

He looked up slowly as he heard the familiar sound of keys rattling.

"Heres dinner, peach." She grinned, stepping inside the cold cell. He tried to keep his face neutral, though it was hard from the way she was looking at him. She set down the plate, taking her time to shut and lock the cell door.

"So what have you been up to?" She smiled, one that was a little too wide for his liking. He stared at the plate, slowly taking a hold of it.

She watched him carefully as he examined it, seeing how it was fast-food, something he needed since his weight was quickly declining.

"Y'know, once I get you a little buffed up, you'll be the perfect little hitman." She teased, stealing a fry off the plate.

He ignored her, picking up the burger and taking a bite out of it. It was cold, but he was grateful nonetheless. It was his first real meal in weeks.

"Why?" He croaked out, tears threatening to well in his eyes as he took a shaky breath, finally looking up at her.

Her smile dropped as she looked at him in disgust.

"Men don't cry, stop that." She hissed, slapping him lightly on the face but it still hurt from how weak he was. He let his head hang, looking over at the unconscious women laying on the floor just a few feet away.

"Give this to her." He spoke, pushing his food away.

She cackled, standing up.

"I don't think so, peach." She pouted, a malicious grin spreading across her face soon after.

She stood there for a moment, thinking as she stared at the man on the ground.

"You're coming with me." She finally spoke.






Hoseok smiled, glad to be back at work after being gone for a few days. He was working a pretty late shift tonight but he didn't mind, it gave him less to to be by himself and overthink.

"Hey there."

Hoseok turned around, seeing a man that looked to be in his 40's.

"Hi!" Hoseok smiled at him, filling up a glass for a previous order, sliding it down the bar.

"I'll take some whiskey." He smiled, sitting down at the bar. Hoseok smiled back, turning around and grabbing what he needed.

"Say..when does your shift end?" He asked once Hoseok turned back around, pouring the alcohol into the glass he had just grabbed.

Hoseoks eyebrows raised as he handed the drink to the man,"Why do you ask?"

The man chuckled, the sound sent a shiver down Hoseoks spine.

"Oh, y'know, just wanna make sure to stick around till then." He winked, taking a sip of his drink. Hoseok smiled, shifting uncomfortably.

"So what's your name, darlin?" He spoke again, making Hoseoks stomach twist but he still smiled at him, working on the next order.


The name came out effortlessly, making him slightly surprised.

"Jay." The man licked his lips slowly as he eyed Hoseok, "I like that."

Hoseok nodded, noticing one of his co-workers coming over.

"I'm in a rush to get home, can you lock up?" He asked, glancing at the man at the bar before looking back at Hoseok.

Hoseok nodded, realizing the club was almost empty.

"Thanks, have a good one." He smiled, quickly heading out.

"You'll have to leave, sir. We're closing." He smiled politely, noticing the last of people leaving, making him alone with the man.

"How bout I take you home." He grinned, making Hoseok grimace.

He shook his head, "No thank you. You really do have to leave, or I'll have to call the police."

The man scoffed,"You wouldn't do that to me. Cmon, it'll be fun."

Hoseok took a deep breath, taking the mans drink from him and pouring it down the sink, setting it in afterwards.

"Sir, you need to go." Hoseok said again, turning around, ready to head to the back.

"I'm not going anywhere." He chuckled, standing up and starting to walk around to where Hoseok was.

"S-sir, you can't be back here!" Hoseoks eyes widened as he backed away.

"You want me to." He smiled, backing Hoseok up against the wall.

"I'll take you home with me, treat you well, like the doll you are." He grinned, caressing Hoseoks face.

"G-get off of me!" Hoseok gasped as the mans lips touched his neck, kissing him with his dirty lips.

The man was suddenly thrown back, Hoseoks eyes and ears being covered as he heard a loud bang.

"W-what the fuck was that?" He cried.

"Shhhh, it's okay." A voice whispered in his ear, it was Jungkook. He felt himself being steered away.

The hand lifted off his eyes and he was now in the backroom, where the employees left their stuff.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, looking down in disgust at Hoseoks neck.

Hoseok nodded, shaken up from what had happened.

"What the fuck happened out there." He whispered, eyes wide.

Jungkook shook his head, "Nothing, Yoongis taking care of it."

"No-no! I'm not taking 'nothing' as an answer when it sounded like a fucking gunshot!" Hoseok raised his voice without realizing it, backing away from Jungkook.

"Hoseok, you have to calm down." Jungkooks voice was soothing and his face was calm as he slowly took a step towards Hoseok.

Hoseok shook his head as he backed up until his back hit something hard, the wall.

"S-stop!" He held a hand out, both males noticing how it was shaking. Jungkook stopped, his eyes pleading for Hoseok to understand.

"Im not going to hurt you." Jungkook spoke, his voice echoing off the walls of the empty room.

Hoseok stared at him, his hand slowly making it's way back to his side.

"Tell me what happened." He stated firmly, though his eyes gave away how he was really feeling. He was fucking terrified.

Jungkooks face fell as he let out a shaky sigh. He stared at the wall behind Hoseok, seemingly thinking. Hoseok waited patiently, his fingers curling to make a tight fist, turning his knuckles white.

"Jungkook." Yoongis deep voice rumbled from the doorway, startling Jungkook as he was brought out of his trance. Jungkook looked behind him at Yoongi.

Jungkook mouthed something Hoseok didn't understand to Yoongi, making Yoongis dark gaze snap over to Hoseok, who was shaking from Yoongis presence.

"Fuck." He cursed, letting out a sigh as he stepped into the room.

Hoseok found himself backing himself into the corner as Yoongi stepped beside Jungkook. Jungkooks teeth caught onto his bottom lip as he tugged on it, staring at Hoseok with furrowed brows.

"You didn't hear anything, Hoseok." Yoongi stayed firmly.

Jungkooks eyes widened as his head snapped over to Yoongi.

"What are you doing?" He hissed, grabbing Yoongis arm and turning them away from Hoseoks eyes.

Hoseok frantically looked between the two, wondering how he got in this position.

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