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Yoongi parked good measure away from Hoseoks house and quietly grabbed what he needed. It was only around 9 p.m but it was already pitch black outside. He quietly shut his car door and trudged to Hoseoks house, sending a quick text to Jungkook. When he got closer to the brunettes house, he realized the lights were off. He chuckled to himself, this would be too easy.

Yoongi finally reached the house and headed to the backyard. It was more suspicious for someone to see if he was looking for unlocked windows in the front. Yes, all the lights were off in the house and it seemed like Hoseok was sleeping, going through the front door was too risky. Before Yoongi could begin to check all the windows, he noticed a back door. Looking around, he quickly went over to it. He turned the knob with ease. He stepped inside the warm house, snickering at how stupid people could be.

He silently closed the door, taking slow steps throughout the house. He scanned the small living room before heading down the narrow hallway. There were three rooms. He opened the first one warily to find a small laundry room. He quickly left, heading to the next room. It was the bathroom, and empty.

When he opened the last door, he found Hoseok in his bed, sleeping. He crept over to the younger boys bed.

"Let's make a deal." Jungkook finally stood back, staring down at Keosangs bloody face. Keosang glared up at him.

Jungkook smirked,"You tell me where she is, I let you go." He proposed, quickly reaching forward and pulling the rope out of the older mans mouth. Keosang turned his head to the side, spitting onto the concrete floor.

"Fuck you." He spit out, making Jungkook raise his eyebrows.

"You sure about that? Guess we'll just have to torture poor little Hoseok until you spill, hmm?"

Keosangs eyebrows furrowed,"You're bluffing."

He was right. Jungkook was bluffing, he would never hurt Taehyungs best friend.

Jungkook raised a pierced eyebrow, "You sure about that?"

"I told you she's dead anyway, what's the point?" Keosang scowled, though Jungkook could see that he was nervous.

Jungkook leaned forward, his hands on each armrest as he hovered over Keosang.

"I don't believe you."

Keosang tried to looked nonchalant as he shrugged,"Not my problem buddy."

Jungkook leaned back, his tongue poking into his cheek as he stared down at Keosang,


Just then Yoongi burst the door open, a body very obviously over his shoulder.

"You're back." Jungkook grinned but it soon dropped when he realized who Yoongi was holding.

"Yoongi!" He hissed, quickly coming over to him and grabbing Hoseok.

Yoongi sighed, rubbing his shoulder, "Thanks Kook."

Jungkook gently set Hoseok down against the wall and turned to Yoongi,"What the hell are you doing?" He seethed, pushing Yoongis chest.

Yoongi scowled, pushing Jungkook as well,"What does it look like, genius?"

"You can't just kidnap innocent people Yoongi!"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him,"Who says I can't?"

Jungkook didn't respond, only staring at Yoongi. Yoongi suddenly rolled his eyes and yanked Jungkook towards him.

"Look, I wasn't really planning on hurting him but if Keosang doesnt comply..."

Jungkook yanked his arm away, scowling at Yoongi,"I'm not hurting him, and im not lying to Taehyung, either."

Yoongi rolled his eyes,"For fucks sake, Jungkook, you've known him for what, two weeks?! Get over yourself."

"Fine, you do all of it then. I'm leaving."

Jungkook left the room, slamming the door afterwards.

"Trouble in paradise?" Keosang spoke from behind Yoongi, making the younger male sigh.

"Shut the fuck up." Yoongi rolled his eyes, turning around and walking over to Keosang. When he got closer he saw the smirk on his face.

"Where is she." Yoongi sat down, crossing his arms over his chest.

Keosang laughed, coughing afterwards,"Six feet under, maybe."

Yoongi ignored him,"If you don't tell me, poor little nephew will pay the price."

Keosang attempted to roll his eyes,"Your little friend said that too, you're lying."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows,"I guess you'll see for yourself then, hm?" He stood up, walking back over to where Jungkook set the brunette. Yoongi easily pulled him up and carried him to the chair across from Keosang.

Yoongi stood beside the unconscious make as he stared at Keosang.

"Hoseok..?" Keosang squinted, trying to see clearly since nearly both of his eyes were almost swollen shut.

"Where is she?"

Keosang didn't respond, only staring at his nephew.

Yoongi threw his first punch.

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