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"Noo, come back." Yoongi whined, squinting to see her dark figure in the middle of the room.

He heard her chuckle, making him crack a smile.

"Don't you remember? Me and my brother had plans for today."

Yoongi groaned, rolling onto his back,"Can't it be a different day? I wanna spend today with you.."

"I know, I'm sorry." She mumbled, and Yoongi could hear her footsteps getting closer.

He pouted, rolling away from her.

"Aw, don't be like that. Once I get back we'll spend the rest of the day together." She let out a breathy laugh, dipping her head next to Yoongis.


She nodded,"Promise."

He grinned, sitting up to grab her face, kissing her a few times before reluctantly letting go.

"I love you." She sang, turning in the doorway to look at her lover.

"Love you too."

Yoongi waited, all day for his love to come back, to kiss him and tell him about her day, and then he'd make them dinner and she'd compliment him a hundred times. They end the night falling asleep in each others arms. That wasn't the case for tonight, though.

Yoongi phone rang, making him jump as he dug through his bed sheets to find it.

"Namjoon?" He asked, staring at the door, hoping she'd walk in.

"Did you get the news..?" Namjoons voice croaked through the speaker.

Yoongis face scrunched in confusion, sitting on his couch,"No? What is it?"

He heard Namjoon take a deep breath, making his heart beat quicker in anticipation.

"Jiyeon and Jimin are missing."

Yoongi swallowed, his throat suddenly dry.

"I-what? No, you're lying." He stared at the wall across from him, tears filling his eyes.

"We might know where they are though!" Namjoon quickly shoved in.

"Then fucking tell me, what are you waiting for?" Yoongi growled, springing up and heading the front door.

"We haven't been able to do it yet but Ji has a tracker on her watch."

"Then get fucking to it." Yoongi hung up, climbing into his car.

Short chapter but I wanted to show some of Yoongis past here

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