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"Hey sugar, can I get you a drink?" He winked, grinning at Hoseok.

Hoseok laughed, patting the seat next to him, "Sure, what's your name?"

"Jimin, and what's yours doll?"

Hoseok shook his head with a grin,"Hoseok."

"Cool, can I call you Hobi?" Jimin asked, buying a round of shots for them both.

Hoseok shrugged,"Nobody's called me that before, go ahead though."

Jimin smirked,"You're letting me, a complete stranger, buy you a drink and give you a nickname?"

Hoseok shrugged, taking a shot off the platter,"Why not?"

Jimin shook his head,"Alright. You here with anyone?"

Hoseok downed the shot, his face momentarily scrunching.

"Yep, my friend, Taehyung."

Jimin nodded, tilting his head back and taking his shot, feeling Hoseoks eyes on him.

"I know I'm good looking but at least try not to get caught staring." He smirked, looking over at Hoseok who smiled and looked away.

"Alright, you're not wrong, you're pretty attractive." Hoseok admitted, downing another shot to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"You as well." Jimin bit his lip, staring intently at the older male.

Hoseok turned his head, wanting to get a good look at the man beside him. His hair was a dirty blonde, clearly dyed. His lips were plump and looked soft to touch. His eyes were slightly closed from the alcohol he had drank that night. In Hoseoks eyes, he was beautiful.

"Are you drunk enough to dance?" Jimin broke the silence, grinning at Hoseok.

"I would dance sober." Hoseok laughed, getting up and grabbing Jimin to the middle of the club.

"You like dancing?" Jimin asked, watching as Hoseok moved his body to the music.

Hoseok grinned,"Of course I do. I want a career in dancing."

Jimin began to dance with him, surprising Hoseok with his flexibility.

"I'm studying dance right now, I'm a college student." Jimin grinned.


He took the older males hand, lifting their hands above Hoseoks head to make him spin. When he returned to the front, Jimin wrapped his free hand around the other makes waist, pulling him close to him.

"Don't do that." Hoseok let out a breathy laugh, setting his hand on the younger mans arm.

Jimin raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk,"Why not?"

"You caught me off guard." He shook his head, looking into Jimin's soft brown eyes.

"That's what I do best." He grinned, eyes flicking down to Hoseoks pink lips.

He leaned in as Hoseok opened his mouth to respond, pressing their lips together softly. Hoseok immediately kissed him back, momentarily forgetting where they were. The hand on Hoseoks waist tightened as he deepened the kiss. Even though he had just met the man, he felt safe, content with him. Jimin made him feel right.

Jimin pulled back, lips a dark red,"Let me take you home."

Hoseok frowned,"You only want me for sex?"

Jimin chuckled,"Of course not, doll. We can do whatever you want, I want to get to know you."

Hoseok smiled shyly, looking down,"Yeah."

"Let's go then, tell Taehyung you're leaving. Does he need a ride too?" Jimin smiled, pulling his arm around Hoseoks waist and leading him back over to the bar.

Hoseok shook his head,"He's okay, let's get out of here, my head hurts."

Jimin chuckled,"Alright."

The two boys left the loud club, walking through the dark parking lot and heading over to Hoseoks car.

"What about your car?" Hoseok frowned, digging through his pockets to find his keys.

Jimin shrugged him off,"I'll get it in the morning. My buddy owns this place, he'll make sure no one messes with it."

Hoseok nodded, handing him the keys as he texted Taehyung.

"You're gonna trust me to take you home?" He laughed, head tilting back, his hair falling into his eyes.

Hoseok laughed as well.

"Yes! Now hurry and unlock the car I'm freezing out here." He rubbed his hands together from the cold wind.

"I'm hurrying."

"Hurry faster."

Hoseok woke up in a cold sweat, in an unfamiliar room. He panicked for a second before remembering what had happened the night before. With a deep sigh, he sat up, getting out of the large bed and quietly leaving the room. He walked through the house until he found the kitchen, finding a bottle of water in the fridge.

He closed the water, ready to head back to sleep but voices stopped him as he walked past the basement door. He saw through the bottom crack that the light was on. He put his hand on the handle, opening the door slowly.

In front of him stood Yoongi.

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