Twenty Six

173 15 1

September 14th, 2021

One year ago...


Jimin rushed out of the apartment complex, running his hand through his hair harshly as he hurried to make it to his and Hoseoks car. He felt bad for leaving Hoseok like that, he really did. But right now, all that was on his mind was Jiyeon, his older sister. Jimin sighed as he phone began to ring, buzzing in his pocket. He huffed, tugging open his car door as he looked to see who was bothering him. His eyes widened as he saw the contact, though.


"-Shes fucking gone!" He yelled, making Jimin wince and pull the phone away from his ear, stepping into the cold vehicle.

"Yes, but acting irrational won't do anything, Yoongi." Jimin sighed, starting the car. Even if Yoongi was Jimins boss and his sisters lover, he wasn't very close to the man. He'd never liked how he bossed everyone around, and how he treated Jimin.

"I'm not being irrational, Jimin. I know you know where she is, tell me right fucking now."

Jimin shook his head as he headed into the road, sighing loud enough for Yoongi to hear through the phone.

"I have to go alone." He spoke through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Park Jimin." Yoongi warned, his voice rumbling through the phone as if he was actually there, "You better give me her location now, or you'll never see your precious fucking boyfriend again."

Jimins blood ran cold at the mention of Hoseok. How did he even find out? Jimin was extra careful to make sure nobody knew about Hoseok, even his sister. Having important people in your life like a partner was dangerous in Jimins life. It was used against you, making you powerless.

Jimin pursed his lips, leaning his head onto the headrest as he took a deep breath. It was either Jiyeons life or Hoseoks.

"If you go, she'll get killed." He said slowly, hoping Yoongi would realize the mistake he was making.

"What the hell do you mean?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, the car tires screeching as he made a quick turn, "Keosang just called me off of her phone. He told me to come alone or he'll kill her."

"Fucking bastard." Yoongi growled.

Jimin looked down to see the call had ended.

"Fuck." He muttered, realizing Yoongi was going to do exactly what Jimin told him not to. His eyes flicked between his phone and the road, trying to call Yoongi back. He slowed down a bit, realizing he was going too fast.

He had left in such a hurry that he wasn't protected, and didn't even have any weapons on him. He shook his head, knowing he had been caught in a trap. He took his phone and texted Yoongi an address.

"Get all the men we have, Namjoon." Yoongi said as he burst into the younger mans office.

Namjoon stood up from his chair, his hair disheveled and bags under his eyes. He looked surprised for a moment, his mouth open in shock. The sound of his door slamming shut and the ghost of Yoongis aura snapped him back to reality as he began his task.

Yoongi stormed down the hallway, staring at the address Jimin had texted him.

He hurried into the elevator, pressing the bottom floor. He cracked his knuckles anxiously, his foot tapping on the ground quickly. His blonde hair was disheveled and his clothes hadn't been changed, nor had the man taken a shower. The elevator creaked, shaking slightly as it reached the ground floor, dinging and sliding open for the gang leader. He strode out, despite the state he was in, keeping his head held high as he made way out the door.

He was greeted by the chilly breeze against his face when he stepped out, taking in a lungful of air as his eyes bounced around the deserted parking lot. His feet felt like they were glued to the spot when he tried to move to his vehicle, his body overruling his mind. He knew what would happen when he arrived to find her. People would die, blood would be she'd, and Yoongi prayed it wouldn't be her. He mentally cursed at himself for ever loving, though he knew the moment he saw her face all thoughts like that would wash away.

Yoongi wouldn't lie, he was in love. He would do anything for her. Keosang knew that, and thats exactly why he had to kill him. Yoongi took a deep breath as he took a step, his legs slightly shaking anxiously. He was angry at himself for hesitating, why couldn't he walk or think right? He mumbled incoherent words under his breath as he walked towards the parking garage, where all of the gang cars were held.

He could see his men filing into them one by one, their body's covered in billet prove vests and helmets, weapons in their hands. He watches as they took loads of guns, all kinds of them, and places them in the trunks. With a small nod, he crept over to his own car, staring at his own reflection in the dark window. He hated himself now more than he ever thought he would.

The final slam of a car door made Yoongi flinch and reach his hand out, gripping the door handle and flinging it open. The dark interior greeted him as he ducked his head, stepping into and slamming the door behind him.

Yoongi didn't care that he wasn't protected, and he didn't care that he was blindly walking into a trap.

Jimin slammed the car door, slipping the small handgun into his boot, examining the building he arrived at. It was nothing special, just an old abandoned warehouse.

"How cliche." Jimin scrunched his nose and let a chuckle leave his throat, his eyes squinted as he grinned. With a small shake of his head, he stepped forward, hearing the crunch of his boot against the small stones scattered. He took each step with caution, bracing himself to be attacked everytime he walked forward. He shook his head, forcing himself to stop those thoughts that jumped around in his head, almost teasing Jimin as they whispered in his ear.

With each step he came closer to the door, his heart beating at a fast pace. If he messed this up, people he loved could die.


Jimin repeated the two letter word in his head like it was a prayer.

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