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Yoongis cat-like eyes narrowed at Hoseok,"What are you doing?"


Yoongi held a hand up, silencing Hoseok,"It's fine, go back to sleep, would ya?"

Hoseok gulped and quickly nodded his head as Yoongi took his arm and led him away from the doorway.

Hoseok looked down at Yoongi, immediately freezing when he saw Jimin. It was dark after Yoongi turned the light off, and the older man was almost the same height as his ex, making his sillouette look like Jimin.

"What?" Yoongi asked, stepping away from Hoseok.

Hoseok shook his head, rapidly blinking,"I..nothing, I need to go back to sleep."

Yoongi stared at him,"..okay."

Hoseok awkwardly looked down at his arm where Yoongi was still holding on to.


Yoongi retreated his hand, turning away from the taller male,"Goodnight."

"..goodnight." Hoseok mumbled, walking numbly back to his room.

"Hobi?" Taehyung repeated, banging on the older mans door.

"Don't call me that." He yelled back, his voice hoarse from crying.

Taehyung stopped, slightly confused.


"Go away, Taehyung." He mumbled and shuffling was heard.

Taehyung frowned,"What happened?"

There was silence on the other end. Taehyung sighed, sitting down against the door.

"Hob-Hoseok," He corrected himself, "What's wrong?"

His voice came out muffled,"Nothing."

"You wouldn't have locked yourself in your room if it was nothing."

"Just..please go."

"I would be a terrible friend if I did that." Taehyung argued, leaning his head against the door.

"Fine, sit there all day then."

Taehyung looked down at the floor. This wasn't like Hoseok to be so rude. He had changed this past year, he wasn't his usual happy self. Taehyung was worried for his friend.

Hoseok couldn't escape him. He was everywhere. In his dreams, in his everyday life. It was torture. He couldn't take it, acting like he was okay when the love of his life has been missing for a year.

Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin Jimin-

"Are you sure you want me to leave..?" Taehyung broke him away from his thoughts as he looked at the door.

"Yes." He spoke quietly, afraid his voice would break. He secretly hoped the brunette wouldn't leave, and he wished he could let him in, but he couldn't, he couldn't let Taehyung see the state he was in.

There was shuffling, and then Taehyungs voice.

"I'm leaving, I'm gonna come back later, okay?"

Hoseok didn't answer, only staring at the door with tears beginning to pool in his eyes. He dug through his blankets, finding his phone. He pressed Jimins contact, calling him and part of him had hope that he would pick up. His face dropped as it went to voicemail.

"Hey, babe..I miss you," he looked down, picking at his blanket,"I broke our promise..I'm sorry, I just couldn't handle it anymore, I can't live without you, you wer-are my everything."

He threw his phone down, letting the tears flow freely down his face. He threw his blankets off, sitting up but immediately pressing a hand to his forehead as he got lightheaded from laying for so long. He got up, walking a few feet to the bathroom. As he entered, he flicked the light on, squinting as he did so. He had been engulfed in complete darkness for a whole day. He looked down, sitting down beside his sink. He rest his head against the wall, wondering if he should continue.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and ignored Jimins voice in his head telling him to stop, for him. But that didn't matter, Jimin was gone.

"Fuck.." He pulled his knees to his chest, staring at the drawer that held what he wanted. Only a few movements and he would have it. He looked around, though he knew nobody was there to stop him.

He rolled up his sleeves, seeing the scars from just a few days ago. A few more wouldn't matter, right?

He reached forward, reaching for the drawer and opening it. Inside was a box, and he pulled it out. It sat in his lap as he stared at it. Hoseok realized he didnt want just a few more, he was going to do it, the thought that had been circling in his head for months now. Do it.

He opened the box.

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