Thirty Eight

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"What are you doing here?" Hoseok smiled, watching as Yoongi sat down across the bar.

Yoongi gave him a small smile in return, "To see you."

Hoseok playfully rolled his eyes, examining the raven haired male. He noticed a bandage wrapped around his right arm, making him wonder what he had gotten into.

Yoongi seemed to notice where he was staring, "Bullet wound." He quickly explained.

Hoseoks eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"The all mighty Min Yoongi got shot?"

Yoongi snorted, brushing him off, "Why's that such a surprise?"

Hoseok shrugged, wiping down the counter that had gotten dirty throughout the night, "I dunno, you just come off as big and bad like no one can touch you."

Yoongi only shrugged in response, glancing to his side as someone came up to the bar. Yoongi watched as he ordered, tuning back in when the man suddenly ordered a drink for him.

"I wasn't planning on drinking tonight." Yoongi stated, Hoseok watching with a worried look.

The man smiled wide, "Nonsense! I'm paying, so you should at least be grateful."

Yoongi rolled his eyes as Hoseok hesitantly slid the drink over to him. It was hard for him to make out their conversation, since he had distanced himself to give them privacy. With the loud music blasting, it was hard for him to hear in general.

He saw as Yoongi glanced at him once more before leaving with the man. At firs, Hoseok thought he was leaving, but he realized he had left his drink and phone sitting at the bar.

With a sigh, he pulled out his phone. It wasn't very busy at all tonight, making it that he had no one to serve. He began to text Taehyung about plans in the coming weeks.

When he heard footsteps, his eyes glanced up. There was another man, who stopped right at Yoongis drink. Hoseok assumed he didnt notice him, since he was standing mostly in the shadows behind the bar.

He watched as he pulled out something from his pocket. It was white powder in a small transparent bag. He grabbed Yoongis drink, looking around once more before dumping some of it in the drink. He stuck his finger in, stirring it up, making Hoseok grimace at the mans dirty fingers in Yoongis drink.

The man quickly left and right as he did, Yoongi came back. Hoseok didn't know what to do, since he could see the man watching from afar. What if they had guns? What if they tried to hurt people in here?

"What was that all about?" He asked Yoongi, inching towards him.

Yoongi shook his head, picking up his drink, "Stupid shit."

Hoseoks heart raced as he quickly lurched forward and took a hold of the drink as it touched Yoongis lips, making it spill everywhere.

Yoongi stared down at the mess, slowly looking up at Hoseok.

"What the fuck?"

Hoseok let out a breath of relief, quickly cleaning everything up.

"Someone drugged that while you were gone."

Yoongis eyes flared in anger and he looked Hoseok sternly in the eyes.

"Who was it."

The three words came out as more of a demand than a question, and Hoseok realized that. He nodded his head towards the man that was still watching from across the room. Yoongi turned around to look at him, quickly getting up.


Yoongi abruptly turned around, "Don't. Stay behind the bar until I come back."

Hoseok was taken aback by his demanding tone, even though he's heard the cold voice many times before. He merely nodded, his eyes wide as he watched Yoongi stalk over to the man. The man seemed to notice that Yoongi was walking towards him, and he was quick to run through the crowded building.

Perilous||sope जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें