Preferences #2 First Date

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"That doll is scarier than a shifter," you said, peering out for just a second before hiding again. He just laughed silently and pulled you closer.

It was just around four when Castiel knocked on your door. Luckily for you, you were ready. You opened the door to reveal Castiel standing with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Hello, Y/N. Dean said it was nice to bring flowers on dates," he said.

"Did Dean chose the flowers?" You asked, as he handed you the flowers.
"No, I choose them. Y/F/F remind me of you," he said completely serious.

You smiled at him. "Let me just put these in water and then we'll go," you said before leaving to do just that.

When you returned he was still standing at the door. He was looking around curiously. The moment his eyes met yours, he straightened up and said, "Do you have a map? Because I am lost in your eyes?" Once again, he said it just as confused as before. But you found it cute. Then he did the most awkward wink ever. You really wanted to wrap your arms around him and laugh, but you didn't. All you did was wink back with a smile.

"What are we doing tonight?" You asked.

"Dean said dinner and some form of entertainment is what is expected of a date," Castiel said.

"Yes, sometimes," you agreed.

"I will take you out to eat and then to a concert."


Your date was interesting. No one had every taken you to Jack In The Box for a dinner date before. You didn't complain. You happily ate your hamburger and curly fries. Castiel didn't have any sense of personal space either. He sat right next to you and you could feel him. You didn't complain. You noticed he hadn't even taken a bite from his burger. "Aren't you going to eat something?" You asked.

"It, uh, doesn't taste good," he said. You stared at him confused. "The molecules," he started, but then stopped himself. "I'm not a fan of burgers."

After the burgers, you two walked a little before you said, "So entertainment?"

"Yes," he stood really close to you once again. "We're going to go see the kids at the local middle school perform. Tonight is their big concert."

"How do you know about this?" You asked.

He thought for a moment before saying, "Church."

You enjoyed yourself at the concert. The kids played fairly well at the concet and the woodwinds and brass even did a cover of Queen. Cas sat really close to you. You were really enjoying his no concept of personal space.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked as he walked you home.

"Yes. It was really worth all the time I put into putting on make up." You never really put much effort into your makeup until that night.



"Why put on makeup?


"You're beautiful with or without it. You would've still looked beautiful if you hadn't worn makeup." You were at your doorstep.

"I, uh. Thanks, Castiel," you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek. He was surprised and his confused puppy face whipped out of his face to be replaced by a cute blush and a possible smile.

"Can we do this again?" Castiel asked.

"What? Kiss or go on a date?" You asked.

"Both," he admitted.

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