lovestruck but fucked up

197 13 11

word count. 1.1k
Chifuyu's been more texty and buddy buddy with you. It's as if he accidentally did something and wanted to seek for mercy. It's the day of the festival and you're getting ready. The clock says 5:35pm and you're done.

A text from Baji indicates that he'll be over, but instead of going on his motorbike, he walked to your house.

You heard your parents open the door from here, making your way out of your room.

"Baji! It's nice to see you again, Y/n's been in love with the cat you gave her," your mom spoke.
"Yeah, but this a date?" Your dad whispered in his ear.

"H-huh? No!" He turned a little red, making your dad laugh. "Alright, uh...she should be in her room.

What your dad whispered to Baji will forever be a mystery, you quickly make it back to your room before he noticed you were already out.
He walked into your room before your cat purred against his leg, leaving the room he entered.

"Hey, y/n." He says, closing the door behind him. "Keisuke," you smile.

He sits on your bed, "we'll leave at 6...alright?"
"Yepp!!" You grin, turning around to face him, then stood in front of him. You crouch down to go eye level with him, moving closer.

"I never noticed your eyes, they're pretty light hazel..."you smile, ruffling his hair, "uh-"

He cleared his throat, "yeah."

You smile, sitting next to him, "thanks for uh...taking me to the festival, Keisuke."

He looks at you, making a move, or to do anything to make you think about him, he rests his head on your shoulder, "nah, least i could do."

Your face felt like it was heating up as you played with his hair. Holy shit, Baji never regretted doing something so fast, his face started to fluster up.

"Hey! I love this song..." you heard your radio put on (Fantasy by Mariah Carey because oh my days). You got off your bed, turning the radio volume up, and started to sway to the music. Baji looked at you, sighing, "what are you doing?"

"Having fun?" You grin, singing along "But it's just a sweet sweet fantasy babyyy," you laugh, pulling the "tired of your bs" man up. You ushered him to sing along with you, obviously not working so you just swung his arms with yours.

Holding onto his hands, you wave yours up and down, laughing. Baji can't help but fall for your laugh, it being music to his ears. His little pouty face gets replaced with one that stared into your eyes, smiling.

"Hey-" You heard a door open, seeing your mom burst in without any warning. "MOM!" You groan, a blushing mess before letting go of Baji's hands then turning off the radio. "Sorry, just wanted to let you know that you two should leave now." She laughs, closing the door behind her.

"God, that was embarrassing," you look up to Baji to see him looking at you in awe, "really? your reaction was cu-funny," saving himself.

"Kill yourself."


The two of you make it to the festival, you're walking besides him, fingers barely brushing making the two of you flustered. "Uhh should we...?"

"Hm?" You hum.

"Get something to eat?"

"Oh right!" You smile, taking his hand in yours, going to a stall with your favourite food. He offered to pay for the two of you. "Thanks, Keisuke!"

You never let go of his hand, "uh, yeah no problem."

"Wanna go on the ferris wheel?" You ask, watching the people in line moving. The ferris wheel looks really pretty, the lights catching the attention of the people who first entered the festival.

"Can't say no to you," he sighs, leading the way. You both have a great talk while waiting in line, arguing about if pineapples belong on pizzas. He lets you win, making you do a little jumpy dance, "see suck it asshole!"

Normally, no before this shit, he would've bashed your head...or ignore you, but he smiled, chuckled even. "You're an idiot y/n.." he mutters, completely in love with you. But, due to you being completely blind, you're oblivious to his feelings towards you.

The two of you get into a carriage, the night sky's view absolutely stunning from where you were. "Keisuke.." he sat in the seat in front of you, you notice that he's smiling at you.

"Uh, can I ask you something?" You question.

"Sure, go ahead," he looks away, to the view beneath him.

"I've noticed that you've uh...been staring at me recently," you blabber, "somethin' wrong?"

Baji tenses up, "no, it's just that..."

He pauses.

"You've been more smily around me and I think it's adorable," he cringes at his words.

You fluster up, "HUH?" The thing about you is that you're way better at keeping composure..i think.

"Awww! You're getting all soft for me," you tease, covering up your own softness that developed.

"No, i'm not y/n," he groans even more, avoiding any eye contact.

There was a comfortable silence after that, the two of you facing completely different ways. After getting off the ride, he asks, "hey, there'll be fire works in 15 minutes, wanna watch them?" He looks at his phone, the time showing 10:15pm.

"Sure!" You say, clinging onto a prize that you won earlier.

Baji exhales all of his flustered energy out, taking your wrist, "alright, I know a spot."
You both exit the festival, looking at a large ledge with a railing. There were only a few people there, some kids and a few adults.

When the time reached 10:30, the first firework exploded, making you jump, then look in awe. He watches you, your eyes reflecting the lights produced by the show. A soft smile appeared on your face, "beautiful..."

"Like you," he muttered under his breath on accident.



You chuckle, watching the fireworks again. You didn't hear him properly, but you got a slight hint.



Baji flusters his words up, "I uh..." You maintained eye contact with him, making his face red. "uhhh..." he tries to continue.

He can't though.

"I uh, need to go, it was nice." Fuck, he messed up so badly.

"Huh? Really?" You exclaim, bummed out.

"Fuck, i'm sorry y/n, uh, can your parents pick you up?" He asks.

"Yeah, but Baji..are you alright?" You ask.

"Yeah, sorry." Worst fuck up.

Chifuyu's gonna be disappointed, but more importantly, you were kind of upset. Fuck him.

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