that day

655 16 6

word count. 1.5k
I give a glance at the two boys that are chasing after each other around the park, it was after the karate class taught by Manjiro's Grandpa. I watch the two while on the swing, not really minding my own business yet not wanting to interact with them. 'Imagine they trip,' the thought came to my head, holding in my smile while visualising Manjiro tripping on air, face planting into the sandbox. Manjiro and I are close, yet i still feel like something is causing us to not talk as much.

My legs are dangling off of the swing, my white karate uniform a little too big for my small body. It's baggy on me. I admire the clouds quickly coming in, the wind getting stronger, the trees rustling around me. I like nature. I like science. I like anything that has theories based off of it that's real. I'm a curious kid, i have a big, wild, creative imagination. I have no troubles making friends. I like interacting with people, it's fun. Suddenly, i feel a raindrop splash on my hand that's holding onto the metal chain attached to the swing and the top. It creaks with every movement, i get off, getting ready to leave.


I get knocked to my bottom, giving a "what the hell dude" look at the reason why i'm on the floor. Only to see that another kid is on the floor with me, his hair ruffled, pointy canine like teeth, rubbing his butt. "mann, sorry dude," he says, pouting, looking at me somewhat apologetically yet at the same time looking pissed.

"Nice one, Keisuke!" The kid behind me laughs, i look up in surprise at the sudden voice, my friend, manjiro, coming into view. "Hi y/n!" his voice ringing in my ears, a little too loud and  a little too close. "Hi Manjiro!" I smile back at him, his arm reaching out for mine to help me up. I look behind me at the boy, getting up on his own, crossing his arms childishly.

"I'll see you guys later, y/n, keisuke, i needa see my brother," manjiro waves after running off to his house with a smile. I look at the boy, who knocked me over to see him glaring at me. "Woah, why the hell are you looking at me like that?" I ask flinching at his expression.

"You should've seen me coming dumbass," "keisuke" says while dramatically tapping his left foot, creating prints in the sand. "Aren't you the one who ran into me?" "Don't i deserve an apology?" I half jokingly asked, while putting my hand on my hip, squinting back the same dramatic glare at him.

The rain starts to pour as we both head for shelter underneath the slide. Giving childish hatred filled glances at the boy, i ask for his name. "baji, i don't wanna know yours." I gave him the most snarky, pissed off expression to him, gritting my teeth.

"God you're so annoying." I cry, smacking my face repeatedly onto the palm of my hands, wanting my parents to get here already. I don't live that far but i'm still a kid, i can't just walk for 20 minutes in the rain. Baji walks off, leaving me not to care about him. "I'm gonna leave, you're boring dude," he leaves me under the slide, walking out into the rain. I look at him just confused as hell.
2003 -2nd person pov-
Baji irritated you, he irritated you so much to the point where you couldn't stand to even hear his name from Manjiro's mouth. You wanted to physically slap his mouth, beat the fucking shit out of him, cut off his tongue, anything. Baji's only reason he was there was to fucking annoy you.

It's always Baji this, Baji that, it's like Mikey was attempting to purposely annoy you too. You swear, you're going to kill Mikey and Baji, but that'll just set you back even more. It's funny how you rant to Emma, Draken and Mitsuya though they're all close to them.

"Y/n" Emma calls for you, worried since you've been zoned out ever since, "you alright?" "Yeah, i'm fine, sorry." You sigh, falling back onto her bed. You look up to her ceiling, thinking about it,  stretching your sore limbs then sitting back up. "Mikey's starting a gang," you snort, "Never woulda believed that in a million years he would've gone so low."

"You're strong y/n, betcha do good!" Emma laughs, she nudges her elbow, "besides, you're friends with all," she pauses, retracting her words, "no, most, of bro's gang." Emma laughs it off, you on the other hand not in the mood.

"See look," you sigh in between your sentence, " i wouldn't mind starting a gang with him but-" you were cut off by Emma. "Yeah yeah I know, you mention him so much, yet you despise him!" Emma laughs at your dead-found reaction. "Because, i have to rant about his stupidity to some people idiot," you groan, playfully hitting Emma's shoulder. She calms down and sits down next to you on her bed, "I'm a good friend for listening to you rant," she says, smirking. "I know, i don't know what i'd do without you idiot."

You'd be lying if you said you weren't grateful for Emma, she was your friend ever since some karate class you took a few years back. Unfortunately, you two didn't go to the same school but you did hangout almost every fucking day, so it wasn't too bad. Most of the time, you're listening to her, watching a movie or something. But when it comes to days like this? It's a source of entertainment for Emma, a guilty pleasure. She finds some things you rant about that aren't serious funny, like that one time you were in the supermarket for food and there wasn't any left.

You roll your shoulders back, cracking your neck and stood up. It's so shitty, you just want him to fucking "die" already, he makes you dread for the day to end whenever you see his face. You look at Emma, then look at the time on her clock by the nightstand. You refrain a smile after seeing the picture frame of the two of you a year ago.

"I'll see ya later Emma, thanks for letting me stay again!" you then smile, leaving her room as if that conversation didn't just happen." Y/n-!" Emma shouts, jumping off of the bed, grabbing something next to the picture frame on the stand, chasing after you. "Sorry, you left this," she laughs, "open it soon, not now,"said in all seriousness by her.  "See you later!" She heads back into the room and you clench the item she gave you, it wasn't something you left. 

What the fuck did she give you? All you saw was a paper sheet, placed in your palm. It was folded a few times. Fuck it was driving you insane, it hasn't even been a minute and you wanted to open it in the Sano household. You groan, walking to the front door, bending down to pick up your shoes as the front door opens.

"Hey, y/n!" Mikey smiles, kicking his sneakers off near you, merely dogging your body. "Are you leaving right now?"

"Yeahhh," you laugh, "I can stay for a bit to talk though, what's up?"

"Won't it be fun?"


"Come on y/n!" he whined, as soon as you stood up he started shaking your shoulders. This guy's unbearable sometimes, it's annoying, but it's  Mikey so you don't care. "Please Manjiro-"

"I'll bitch more and i bet you're not enjoying it as it is, it's best you start a gang with us so you don't have to go through me!" he smirks.

This cunt, you laughed, then realised he wasn't joking. If you weren't such an angel you would've killed everyone you knew, killing Mikey twice. You groan, trying to escape from his grasp he has on you, your head dizzy from the shaking. How much stuff will bombard your mind today? You swear that if you didn't have self control you'd be in juvie right now.

"Shit, Mikey," you utter, "I'll send you my answer by 10pm." This is peer pressure.

Mikey grins, finally winning your response over, knowing that you can't say no to him. Maybe.. It's confusing but you're closer to him than Emma though wanting to rip his throat out at times. "Alright, just let me go now," you half jokingly said, really wanting to leave though, so you sped up your pace out of the house.

You were so busy with thinking about your answer, you forgot about the small sheet in your left pocket. You walk in the cold, it's about 7 something right now and it's almost pitch dark.

'Yea ill help u start a gang' 'just dont bother me n shit anymore'

'dang rlly?' -m

'what u dont want my help anymore??'

'no i just thought that ud block me' -m

'???' 'Im not an asshole'

'sure' ... 'thanks y/n >:)' -m


You're in the warmth of your room, underneath your blankets, the light from your flip phone shining, creating a glow spread on your face.

Fuck, you're going to regret that you've agreed.

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