it's alright

364 16 11

word count. 1.6k

("—" is ur friend(any gender) but i cant think of a name so just choose one)

no, the fuck no its not? you're definitely not
alright, you'd rather watch someone suck cock than your friend make-out with someone in front of you. You watch in shock, face of disgust plastered on, your friend and their one timer really getting into it. It wasn't even on purpose, they prolly forgot they invited you to their house and now they're going all out on their bed.

"I didn't come here for a fucking front row ticket to some wwe mouth off."

The two of them jumping up like scared kittens when they heard your voice. They slide back up their shirts properly, trying to cover their not so hidden hickey filled necks. "You guys disgust me," you groan, laughing at their embarrassed faces.

"Shit, i'll just go," she says, before getting off the bed, putting on her skirt, facing you she mutters a sorry. You hear the front door slam shut before looking at —.

"Sorry, i forgot that we were hanging today," they chuckle. "You seriously not mad at me for interrupting your lil session?" "Nah, my bad, i forgot, but its all good." They pull out a cigarette, reaching for the lighter on their nightstand.

They put it in their mouth, outing the words, "want one?" "I'll pass." You said, smoking is not for you, so you inch away from — just a bit.
"Soo," you say, trying your best not to inhale the smoke emitted, "what have you been doing these days?"

They don't have the best reputation, hell not even Baji's reputation is that low at school. Your parents aren't fond of —, but really? They're just a big sweetheart. They've been there for you since you two were young, listening to you patiently, helping you when you get stuck. You appreciate them for it, even being your reckless friend, they're still smart.

"Not much, just been hanging," they smirk, looking at you, "how aboutcha?" You don't wanna bother them with what just happened a day ago but you want to get your anger out somehow.

"I restrained myself from killing baji yesterday," you joke, falling back onto their bed, you stare at their ceiling."When will it ever stop?" they dramatically play along, their cigar in the middle of their ring and middle finger ,"for how long will you hate him?" "Forever, at least," scoffing while rubbing your eyes.

You yawn, tearing up a lil, your mouth gaping open. — put out their cigar on the ash tray on the bottom of their bed. They join you, laying down.
"Maybe you're just frustrated-" you cut them off, "since when was i frustrated?" "I dunno, like since like your birth," they laugh.

You can't argue against them, whenever you bring him up, you get all pissy. "Stopp bringing them upppp" uhh no you cant! Betcha he's ranting to Chifuyu about you right now too. (He forgot about you)

You're still laying down on the bed with —, you grab a pillow besides you and smush it on your face. "Y/n." "Yeah?" "You alright?"

You pause, not sure of yourself. It's not everyday someone asks you those three words. Really? Baji's words and actions did hurt you, but you played it off as a joke. In all honesty, you hated Baji, but not in the way some people take it, it was genuine at times. Your mind tries to play it off as a joke, but you can't help but try and make him hurt too. It never works. Your heart started to tighten, thinking about it.

You gulp, your chest feeling tight, your body stiffening up a little, your breath gets caught up in your throat, yet your face stays the same. "Yeah, why wouldn't i be?" You manage to let out a mix of a scoff and a chuckle. "You've just been quiet, and you're never really quiet, you know?"

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking about something."
"Do you want to talk about it?" — asks, sitting back up, facing their body towards you. "Nah, nothing serious," you join them. You were so closed off now, not even — knows. How you adore, how you miss when you two would spew out feelings with a couple bottles of alcohol emptied on the floor of their room. You couldn't care less during times like those, but you stopped due to nearly getting caught doing underaged drinking.

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