patch him up

277 17 4

word count. 1.5k
You slide your journal to the other side of your desk, placing down the first aid. Baji's breathing heavily so you give him a glass of water, putting two fingers on his neck checking for his pulse. It's speeding up, you take two fingers way, tying up your hair. "Y/n-"

"Shut up."

You stuttered, not knowing what to start with, your mind is racing. Is he going to die in your room? You first crouch down infront of where baji's sitting, lifting up his shirt. "Fuck.." he winces at your movement, your eyes widened at the size of his gash. You get up slowly, helping him take off his shirt, pulling it over his cut trying not to hurt him. You pull it over his head, tossing it to the floor of your room.

Baji feels guilty, he can see you tremble in your current state. He didn't want anyone to worry over him, especially not someone he hates. You look scared, you look worried, something he wouldn't have expected you to feel. "Is it bad?" He broke the silence between the two of you, waking you up from the daze. "H-huh?" right.."No, it isn't too deep but you're losing a lot of blood."

You pull out a stash of tissue, "remove your hands, Baji." He does as you told, gritting his teeth at the pressure you're applying on his wound. You're in between his legs, trying to inspect his wound further, you swear the silence was so overbearing to the point you can hear his heartbeat.

You look at him, "sorry, i'm going to have to-" you tug his pants down lower, cleaning the bottom part of his cut. Even you were blushing slightly at this honestly non-suggestive moment. You give a quick glance to see Baji's mouth partially open, like he was going to say something... but he didn't. 

You throw the tissue aside, dabbing a large cotton pad with alcohol. "Baji, this is gonna hurt, don't scream or anything, you'll get caught." You wait for a response, "I'm not a bitchy pussy, I can handle it."

No he can't, there was this one time he scraped his knee as a kid. His mom wiped his scrape with an alcohol wipe, he couldn't stop gripping onto his mom, crying over the sting.

"Alright, I warned ya." You slowly inch the pad near his wound, seeing Baji tense up, you can't hold back the devious smirk your face put on.  He grunted in pain, squirming in place, "fuck!" he quietly cried out. He held the backside of the chair, breathing heavily, to seem like a good person, you try to cover up your laugh.

Key word, TRY. You started laughing, your head on your arm that's resting on his abdomen where the cut is. "FUCKING STINGS." He groans, looking at the alcohol pad, then you.
You''re laughing?!!

"You think this is fucking funny, y/n?" He asks, looking at you like you're a complete psycho. "Yeah." You didn't hesitate to say, removing the now bloody alcohol drenched pad from his stomach. You stand up, readying the bandages for his stomach. You turn a quick look behind you to see Baji looking at you, not going unnoticed. You roll your eyes, looking away, can't believe he's staring at you. Is he plotting a murder? Is there something on you?

You shake your head, walking back to Baji, "stand up." He does, lifting his arms up, you bandaging his stomach, wrapping the cloth around him. Your face maintains serious, your fingers draping around his body coldly. He shivers at your touch, realising that your heater is off.

"Are you mad?"

You pause for a second, "what do you mean?"

"I came up to your door, all beaten up." Baji stretches his jaw, "i'm sorry."

You don't respond. You finally finish wrapping his body, taking all the bloodied tissues, putting it in your bin. You take a baby wipe, wiping his face, his bloodied face. You leave the room, leaving Baji alone. He watched you walk out, then looks at your table. He sees a picture frame faced down, he turns it upright to reveal a picture of Toman's founding members and a few others.

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