eternity pt.1

294 12 2

word count. 1.2k
"Fuck you Baji, i'll fucking hate you for all of...eternity."

He scoffs, applying pressure onto the cut on his lip, "You better keep that promise." You roll your eyes, looking back at Mikey. Leaving the house, mad at both of them, at Mikey for holding you back, at Baji for saying that.


Baji groans, sitting on the couch in Mikey's living room. "Fucking psycho bitch," baji knew better than to call a girl a bitch, but come on. He does the jaw thing, his tongue touching his top teeth, his hair is messy, his shirt on the floor in Mikey's room.

Mikey stays silent, tossing him an ice pack with tissue covering it. Baji applied pressure to the cut, mumbling something. "Are the markings," he winces at the cut, "Are the markings bad?"
"Well, you can definitely see her hand prints, but I wouldn't say it's bad." "Fucking cunt."

Mikey picks up a mirror near by, lending it to him. He angles the mirror around, showing him the redness of his neck, he scoffs breathily before putting it down. The ice from his lips moved down to the red markings you left.

"What were you gonna tell me?" Mikey asks, taking a seat next to Baji.

"How guilty i felt," he clenched his jaw, " but never mind, fuck the guilt and her." Mikey realised, "was that about y/n?"


He looked over at the taller male who's head is resting back, his adams apple more prominent. "She made you feel guilty?"

"I dunno, she just ignored me yesterday, felt like I genuinely upset her." "Doesn't she always try to ignore you?" "No, she tries to annoy me as-well," Baji groans. "Don't you also want her to ignore you?"

"I mean yeah, but like, it's fucking weird, i'm not use to her keeping quiet," Baji says, removing the icepack, picking up the mirror to see that the redness's calmed down.

"But fuck her, can't you kick her out for infighting?" "But you guys aren't associated with Toman right now, and i'm not kicking out y/n."
He rolled his eyes, manspreading.

Baji hated you, but it was mixed, there were days  where it was less intense. But, to be honest, he doesn't remember why he hated you, just knew you were a fucking cunt. "You don't really hate her, do you Baji?"

Baji stutter out his words, "of course i do."

Mikey and Baji's heads both turned to the door as they heard it open. "Hey Mikey, Baji," Draken said, somewhat sternly, guiding Emma inside her house.

"Hey Em-" Mikey was cut off by his sister as she slaps his mouth, dragging both Baji and Mikey by their hair into her room as Draken followed behind.

"Can you please explain why we saw y/n on the verge of tears leaving here?" Emma asks, interrogating the two boys. "IT WASNT ME, IT WAS ALL BAJI." Mikey snitched, pointing at Baji while rubbing his painfully pulled scalp.

"What did you to her?" Draken asks behind Emma. "I didn't do shit." "Shut up," Emma sighs. Baji's now trying to avoid eye contact, or the gaze Emma is giving him. Hell you'd be mad if someone made Emma upset.

All Baji could think about was how she mentioned that you were almost in tears. Was what he said really effective? He almost felt guilty again, not catching himself in these feelings that were played with.

"Look, all i said was that she's selfish and can't handle being serious," Baji says. "Well, apologise?!" Emma suggests, folding her arms, sitting next to the chair Draken stood next to.
Mikey looks at Emma, pouting as he got "in trouble" yet not the one who hurt your feelings.
"Don't look at me like that, Mikey."

Baji sighs, "Look, we never apologise to one another, our hate for each other is mutual and growing Emma." Draken looks at Emma, then back to Baji, "Yeah, but what you said could've hurt her more than you expected."

Baji couldn't argue back, you tearing up to something he said, or in general is shocking. It's pretty much shocking to the others too. In all honesty, if you heard that they were talking about you like this, you would've cried of embarrassment.

"I dunno how to apologise," everyone looked at Baji, dumbfounded, "What the fuck do you mean you dunno how to apologise?" Mikey nearly laughs. "This sentimental shit, it's stupid."

Emma whispered to Draken, "i'm glad he's at least thinking about apologising." Draken chuckles, leaning his back against the door frame. "Baji, just go with whatever your heart tells you."

"So you want me to tell her that i don't really care?"

Mikey smacks the back of Baji's head, he groans on impact, his head swinging forward. "Fuck dude, i was joking!" Baji exclaims, rubbing it.
"Make it sound like you were?" Draken scoffs, rubbing his temples at the dumb man's intentions.

There was a brief moment of silence as Mikey spoke up, "So, you gonna apologise?" "NOT WITH YOU IDIOTS WATCHING?!"He says, face palming. Baji was going to apologise, but only for that, nothing else. "I'll just go," Baji leaves Emma's room as he picks up his shirt, putting it on then leaving.

While walking home, he thought about what he was going to say, how he'd text you, how to make it not too sudden. When he got home, he face planted into his bed, groaning into the pillow. He checked his phone, scrolling down to see your contact under the name "y/n", pretty bland. He checked your dms, the last one being three months ago, just you asking him to lower down the music during a hangout.

He can't help but smile remembering the memory, you two getting along for once due to it being at the beach. He vividly remembered you him and Pah playing volley against Mikey, Draken and Hakkai. You texted him to lower down the music since you received a call from your friend. What he really remembered from that day was when he saw you genuinely having fun around him, smiling at him for the first and last time.


"Y/n!" He called out to you, you dove for the ball, saving it from hitting the hot sand. The ball moving directly at Pah as he set to Baji. He jumped up, you getting off the ground, he hit the ball, missing Mikey, you guys got the final point. Pah grinned, ducking under the net, flexing that one point to Mikey.

You smile, looking at Baji, excitedly shaking him, "YEAH FUCK YEAH, WE WON!" You gained the attention of Emma, Hina and Takemichi on the sidelines. "Huh?" Baji remembered just being confused, being shook by his rival. "Nice spike!" you laugh, high fiving him, the collision stinging a little due to your strength. You grin, tucking hair behind one of your ears, looking at him. Well, you definitely get competitive during games between friends, many know that.

He chuckles at your excitement, he never saw you like this. He also knew that it'd probably be the last time he'll see you feel so free around him. It kinda ached, knowing that he was the reason why you didn't act around him like that. It's nice, he likes it when people are happy, it honestly makes him happy too. Hm..


Baji finally gathered enough courage.

'Hey y/n lets talk.'

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