mutually flustered

190 15 4

word count. 900(sorry for the short chapter, i'll make the next one longer)
"Here," he passed you a yoghurt cup he got with his hospital food. You smile, taking it from the now full man after getting his lunch. You, Mikey, Takemichi and Mitsuya were with him, taking care of him.

Mikey was now chasing Takemichi around his room and out into the hallway for fun as you and Baji we're chatting. "When are you getting dismissed?" You asked, eating with the spoon Baji used.

"Uh, I think i'm going today, they said my injuries been' healing." He's up on his bed looking at the two idiots run past his open door. He groans, you're admiring how mature he seems right now, not joining them, or shouting at them. He's just there, watching.

Now the two of you sat in silence on his bed, you turned to him and he's staring at you. "Keisuke?" You ask, honestly been scared ever since he's been staring at you. God, not even you do that with him...

"Yeah?" He looks into your eyes. You blush a little then turn away from him, he realises then looks away. He's flustered but you knoww...ya don't know that. "Sorry, I just like staring at yo...people, it's fun." He smirks childishly.

You sigh rolling your eyes, falling back onto his bed. "You're so weird..."


He's now dismissed, his body fully healed and he invited you to his apartment. His mom was at work again, so you planned to stay the night. You two are on his couch, watching him play resident evil 4, you're too much of a bitch to go hands on.

"Y/n, just play," he groans, nudging the controller into your shoulder. "JUST PLAY, CUNT LOOK LOOK ITS FUCKING COMING," you cry as the zombie things start walking towards Leon.

"Oh shit," he gasps, getting back into the game, you clinging onto him for dear life out of thrill. While you're focused on the game play, he's focused on your arms around his. He tenses up and tries to relax, but you're too pressed against him. Too much for comfort...

His face starts to heat up and he concentrates on the game trying to impress you. Your chest is pressed against his arm and he swears that he'll die. "KEISUKE?? FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME," you cry, grabbing the controller, is he that bad at attacking?

He's taken by surprise, you now killing the zombies so Leon can move on. "Jesus, you're-"
You notice the very noticeable red on his face. "Keisuke?" You're worried, did he stress over that so hard that he's dying?


You and him, you two were hopelessly in love with each other. If the others in Toman knew that you were hanging at his, their assumptions on the two of you wouldn't be far off. You're resting your body on the side of his, your hands so close together.

Your pinkies were somewhat touching, both your hands on the couch next to your body. You were watching Final Destination 2. The scene where the log crashed into the car, made you flinch as you grabbed onto the hand next to yours.

'This is normal right? She's touchy...yeah I know. She's holding my hand. The fuck?? Holy shit.' Baji's overthinking as you're overreacting.
You noticed that you're holding his hand, "sorry I scared."

"Huh? Yeah ion' mind," he says, like he's not nervous right now.

"Okay, good," you cry, holding his hand tighter lifting it towards your torso, getting ready to cover your eyes again at the next death. He can't help but smile at your idiotic demeanour.

"Y/n, if you want we can uh stop watching this?" He laughs, looking at the clock showing it's 12 past already. "I'm surprised you can read a clock..." you mutter, standing up and shutting the tv.

He rolls his eyes as he drags you to his room. "Hey- what the hell? Where are you taking me?"

"To my room?"

Smooth move, very smooth.... He thought he was slick...


"So we can sleep?"

God you're fucking dumb y/n, he's making a move????

You followed him, unsure whether you can sleep in the same bed as Baji. "Uh, am I sleeping with you-"

"Yeah." Too sudden.
"Sorry, uh, my mom would get mad at me if she saw you sleeping outside again, you don't mind do ya?" He asks.

"Nah, dont mind," that took everything in you to say confidently. He smiles, closing the door, locking it, then closing his curtains to the glass door that lead to his balcony. You could see peke J hopping from balcony to balcony before he closed it off.

Baji gets into his bed, the two of you on either side to make it slightly less uncomfortable. You two aren't even touching each other in the slightest way possible yet you're both blushing furiously right now. Flustered, both surrounded by love.

Little did you know, the two of you woke up facing each other, bodies pressed up against another. You're gonna kill yourself...

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