alcohol and tears

277 15 1

word count. 1.3k
-1st person pov-
Baji came back into his room with a box of alcohol, he sat it down on his bed while locking his door. I stopped crying, I don't know how or why, maybe I just didn't want to look pathetic in front of my rival.

"Uh..have you ever drank alcohol?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Alright...if you're worried about getting caught, my mom's out for the night."

I nod my head, getting off the bed then taking a bottle. "I'm sorry for your loss." I hum at his condolences, opening the cap, gulping down a large quantity. He took some alcohol, watching over my limped body.

-2nd person pov-
You walked over to Baji's balcony, an alcohol in your hand, the other resting on the brick railing.
Baji looks at you, confused, he stays leaning his back against the door. "Your view, it's really pretty," you smile, looking over towards the city. Baji lived on the 5th story of his apartment complex.

He smiled, " really is." You finished your first bottle, walking back into his room for more. You close the glass door behind you, pulling back the curtains, the only light in Baji's room is now his own. You put the empty bottle on his desk, getting another one.

Baji's only on his first bottle, more than half way. "Have you done this before?" He asks. "Uh..drinking alcohol?"You ask opening your next bottle, continuing, "Yeah." "No, uh, drinking your feelings away." You pause in your steps.

"I did this with —." You smile, clear that you're getting drunk. Baji hums, finishing his first bottle, but taking a break. You groan, "have you?" Baji looks at the ground, "I didn't, but I have had alcohol for the experience of it."

You smile at your rival? Idk, it's confusing. You're confusing. Baji takes another bottle, opening it, chugging some down. You're feeling tipsy, blabbering random sounds, your head heavy.

You fall down to his mat, knees first. "Y/n!-"
You snorted, then started to laugh, looking at Baji. Hell, he was confused but all he was certain of was that you're drunk. Your laughter died down as Baji's hands tried to help you up. You didn't grab on just to help him, but you pulled him down with you.

"Y/ idiot." He sighs, watching you. "You know what's funny?" You ask, drunkenly giving Baji a grin. He looks at you.

"We fucking hate each other, yet..." you stop. "Yet, we're getting drunk together, sharing emotions," a small, genuine smile appears on your face. You sit back on your ass, your knees in the air. "It's confusing Baji, I don't like this."

"You don't like being buddy buddy with me?"

"No..I just don't like how our dynamic is anymore."

Baji looks confused, getting his bottle.

You sigh, "We can't just fucking hate AND like each other."

"Then, choose one."

"Fuck, i dunno, you're still annoying but..." you drift off.


"I like you too, recently, we've just been getting close and-" You pause, "I really like you at the same time, Baji."

"Huh." Baji lets out a short sigh, "you know, you're not that annoying."

"Baji, I-"

"Just call me Keisuke."

You smile at him, "alright, well...I guess this seems pretty mutual now."

-3rd person pov-

Baji looks at her, then grabs a tissue. "I will uh.." Baji sighed at the drunken girl, it's like she has experience but doesn't have the best tolerance. "Kei..." she whines.

He wipes off her tears, she looks at him. Putting a hand on his which is wiping her face. He could feel his face heating up, "Thanks, ba- Keisuke."
He takes his hand off, walking to his bin, throwing the tissue in. He hides his red face from y/n's definitely going to forget drunken eyes.

He throws all the bottles in this bin, putting her one on his table. "Y/n?" He noticed that she's passed out on the floor. He sighs, lifting her body up, putting her in his bed. He knew it was invasive to her privacy but her phone kept ringing, so he answered it outside of his room.

"Hello?" -b

"Who is this? This is my daughter's phone."

"Baji Keisuke, sir."

"Oh..thank god. Hey baji, she's with you?"


"How's she doing?"

He looks at her sound asleep body, closing the door. "She just needs time alone."

"Alright, please make sure she get's home tomorrow."


Her parents ended the call leaving Baji with her phone. Baji put her phone on his counter, sitting on his couch turning on the tv. He couldn't stay in his room, 1. It would be weird, 2. She might wake up.

He put on a random show then lowered the volume. He looked at the cold glass of water on his coffee table, he drank it. Soon, the drunken feeling left his body, his body now sober. He lowered down the volume so his friend in the room could sleep.


-2nd pov-

You woke up with the worst case of hangover ever. You groggily pat around "your" bed, looking for your phone. Opening your eyes, you realise that you're not in your room. Turning your head, you looked at the clock, "8:56pm".

You get out of Baji's bed, his warm, comfy bed, stumbling on your feet. You open the door quietly, looking down the hallway for him. You spot your phone on the counter as you walk down, then seeing him on the couch.

He didn't seem to notice you till you were right behind him, saying his name, "Baji." He jumped in his sofa, "what the fuck?!" He looked surprised at your figure, "oh..sorry, have a good nap?" You sat next to him, your eyes squinting shut, the light overstimulating your senses.

"Here, this'll make you feel somewhat better." He passes you a cup of water, you gulp it down with some panadol. You wait for it to kick in, "it wasn't a dream?"

"I'm sorry."

"No it's fine, crying my emotions out really made me feel better." You attempt to give a smile but your muscles were sore all over your body, your smile not reaching your eyes. Baji didn't know what to say, so he just nodded.

You can feel yourself recover, your mind being more focused. "Uh, did I drink a lot?" You ask, joining Baji watching the show he has on. "One and a half bottles, so no?" You laugh, looking at the man next to you, "trust me, that's the most i've drank before passing out."

"You feel better, y/n?" Baji asks, feeling your forehead if you were hot or not. "I feel alright." "Have my parents tried to contact-"

"Yeah, I told them you're staying the night."

"Thank god, I don't know what to say to them."
You sigh, rubbing your knees. You and Baji kept watching in silence, your mind now focused on the show, trying to let go of —.

"I uh, you remind me of —."

Baji turns his head towards you, "how?"

"You guys seem pretty tough on the outside, but when you puncture through their shell, you're just you." You say, smiling.

Baji can't help but sigh, thinking about how you finally got to know him. "Um, did I say anything weird while drunk?"

"Nah, don't worry."

"Good, cause there was this one incident where I wouldn't stop explaining how gravity works and-" you blush, going off track sounding like a total nerd. "Uh, never mind, let's just watch."

"Now I know what you like," Baji grins, "Uh, this is kinda weird but, do you trust me?"

"Yeah." You say, unhesitatingly.

"Alright, follow me."

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