let me in

287 19 4

word count. 1.2k
It was after the Toman meeting, the higher rankings staying back due to an order Mikey told. You leaned on one of the pillars, Hakkai next to you, talking about the latest news. Mitsuya, Baji and Chifuyu were by the trees, staring at something. Mikey, Takemichi and Draken were off discussing.

"Hey, y/n, ya good?" Hakkai asks, not turning towards you but kept staring at the night sky. "Huh?" You were confused, "What made you ask that?" You snort, joining him, admiring what you have since you were a kid. Hakkai finally looks at you, "Sorry, you just got really quiet all of a sudden." You smile, looking at the stars, "did ya know that there's more stars than grains of sand on Earth?"

Hakkai looks at you dumbfounded, "Okay y/n.." He chuckles at the random fact you probably just uttered out. You're glad that your Toman uniform keeps you warm, it's pretty much dead at night during winter and you're outside. It's now Friday night, four days since your incident.
It's also been a while since you saw —.

You're still caught up with the beauties of the night that you didn't notice a familiar gaze. Baji glared at you, "hey do you think she's insane?" He asks loud enough so you can hear him, diverting your stare to Baji. "Shut up." You groan, now having your whole body face Hakkai.

"Fucking freak," Baji mutters undern his breath, Mitsuya and Chifuyu still hearing him. Mitsuya smacks the back of his head, before Baji could bite back or Chifuyu hold him back from killing a man, Mikey gathers everyone's attention.

"We should hangout tomorrow." He says, a grin appears on his face. "Is that what you kept us back for?" Mitsuya asks, rubbing the back of his neck. "Everyone free?" Everyone nods their heads, looking confused not even knowing where we were going. "We're taking a 6 hour ride to some mountains!" The excitement in Mikey's voice is very much noticed, "If some of your parents allow you to."

Your parents would let you if you mention Mikey's name. Unfortunately the trip would take two days, Chifuyu's mom won't let him, Hakkai has to stay home with Yuzuha. "Wait what?!" Takemichi gasps, the original plan being them going to an arcade, turning to an overnight out. "Sorry, I'm gonna have to sit this one out, I promised Hina that i'd take her out on Sunday."

Alright, it's only you, Mikey, Draken, Baji and Mitsuya. You only have to talk to three of them.


You guys say your farewells, walking home instead of taking a motorcycle like everyone else. You took the bus, not trusting yourself to drive like the others. Once you get off at your stop, you walk for three minutes to your house. You open the unlocked window, sneaking back in, not daring to get caught.

You shut the window, locking it, pulling down the blinds and shutters. You strip off your Toman uniform, hiding it underneath some clean clothes in your closet, only cleaning it early in the morning. You peaked outside, opening the door, seems like your parents aren't in the living room and in their own. You close the door, again, walking around your room only in your underwear.

You jump onto your bed, your room still bright, the lightbulb on, your heater running for hours straight. You can't sleep, you're too excited for tomorrow, you pick a random manga off of your shelf. You heard a slight knock on your window, thinking it's just the wind, you don't mind. Then you got a text.

'Open the fucking door'


Baji couldn't go home, his mom was off from work today. It would've been normal if he wasn't covered in blood. He was in pain, he didn't know what to do, wether he'd go home and get scolded by his mom or find someone else. He didn't want to see him mom cry, or to worry over him.

He came home, kissing his mom on the cheek before heading to his room. Baji heard his mom yell as soon as he got out of his Toman uniform, "Do you want something to eat, Kei?" She asks.
Baji's sitting on his bed, indecisive, declining her offer. He hears his mom go back to her room, closing the tv and shutting the door behind her.

Now Baji's too excited for tomorrow, he'd know that he would have trouble falling asleep. He didn't notice his stomach was grumbling. "Fuck," he muttered, leaving his room. He didn't want to bother his mom after saying no. So he just yelled out that he was going to get food, hearing his mom's notice, "Okay!"

He left his apartment building, just walking down to the nearest convenience store. He noticed some men harassing a woman. Baji couldn't bare to watch that scene anymore.

There were about 4 men, clearly drunk, some holding a bottle of nearly finished alcohol, the other one's hand on her shoulder. "Leave her alone," his voice harsh. Their attention now directed to him, they let go of the woman who's now running away.

"Fuck off kid," one of the men approach Baji, but he slammed him into the concrete floor of the alleyway. The two other men came charging at him, hitting his face, causing his nose to bleed.
He grunted, the other man was now kneeling as Baji kneed at his stomach. "You shitty pest!" The man who hit Baji's face, now aimed at the side of his face, Baji who took the hit slammed him against the wall, causing the man to spit out in pain. Knocking him out, he notices that the fourth man disappeared..


Baji's stomach was sliced by a pocket knife, creating a clean cut around his abdomen area. The man came from behind him, wrapping an armed arm around his waist, cutting it. He clenched his wound, elbowing him with his free arm in his face. Baji punched him into the ground in anger, carving the word "harasser" into his forehead with the pocket knife he used against him.

Baji took a while, regaining strength, leaning against a wall. He grunted in pain, his head facing up, teeth gritting. He thought he'd die right here, right now in this alleyway. He gets his phone out, realising that he can't call his mom or for help from services without her worrying for him. He could only go to the person he trusted with his life.


You put on a shirt, running to your front door, opening it. "Baji?" You gasp, his face, bleeding from his mouth and nose, his hand clenching his stomach. "Fuck, please let me in, y/n."

You quiver at his scared voice. You knew he would never admit to being terrified but, his voice was shaky. "Come in, just go to my room, i'll be there with some bandages and disinfectant."  He makes it to your hallway, his hand on the wall, helping him to reach your room. He took a break, continuing his walk. Baji sat down in your chair, lifting his shaking hand from his cut, it covered in blood.

You shut the bedroom door, locking it.

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