Parties and Sneaking Out

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"Hey, have you heard that Jake is throwing a party on Saturday since his parents will be out of town?" Phoebe asked Felicity while eating a cafeteria fry. "God, these are disgusting."

"Why do you keep eating them, then?" Felicity giggled.

"It's a habit. Anyways, back to the topic."

"Yes, I've heard," Felicity rolled her eyes playfully. "He was telling me all about it in World History. He has a pool, a pool table, etc, etc."

"So," Phoebe began, this time picking up a chicken nugget, "you going?"

"I don't know," Felicity answered truthfully. Sure, she guessed it was part of the "high school experience" but would her parents even approve? "What about my parents? They wouldn't let me go."

"Why don't you sneak out? That's what I'm doing."

"What would I even wear?"

"Something comfortable, but sexy," Phoebe asked. "Doesn't have to be a dress."

"So, I could wear skinny jeans, a black tank top, a purple flannel, and black boots?"

"How high are the boots?"

"To my knees. And they have a slight heel," Felicity explained.

"Then, fuck yes. You'll look beautiful."

Felicity blushed at the compliment. She turned her head away from Phoebe. Phoebe then reached across and kissed Felicity on the cheek.

"You are beautiful and I won't apologize for telling my girlfriend that."

**************************Time Skip and Timey Wimey Stuff************************

Felicity waited a bit for everyone to go to bed. Mickey and Ian went to bed early along with her brothers. She quietly got changed in her room and waited for the signal.

About ten minutes later, a small pebble hit her window. She opened the window and looked down.

"You coming or what?" Phoebe whispered yelled.

Thankfully, Felicity's room had a tree near it that Felicity had climbed up and down multiple times. She slowly made her way down the tree and jumped off the lowest branch to the ground.

Felicity could kinda make out what Phoebe was wearing. Phoebe was wearing her classic leather jacket she wore most days. And Felicity guessed that Phoebe was wearing some sort of jeans. It was too dark to tell.

"How far are we walking?" Felicity asked.

"Roughly six blocks. But I was thinking we could bike there."

"Phoebs, if there's alcohol, how do you plan on biking home?"

"Good point."

After they got a good distance away from each other's houses, Phoebe pulled out a flashlight and put it on the dim level. Felicity could now see that Phoebe was in fact wearing jeans, but with holes in the knees and a cropped white shirt.

Phoebe noticed Felicity's staring. "What? I'm trying a new style."

"You look fantastic," Felicity said quickly. "Really! Like, stunning. I swear you could put on a paper bag and-"

Phoebe snickered. "Thanks, Fliss. You also look amazing."

Felicity threw an arm around Phoebe. "You haven't even seen the tank top yet. It's sticking to me like a second skin. And it's low cut. I don't think I'm taking this flannel off anytime soon."

Phoebe threw her head back and laughed. "You'd take off the flannel and no one would be able to compare. Shit, you could keep the flannel on and no one would still be able to compare."

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