Early Morning Confessions

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*Heads up with the last chapter, I will not be crossing this over with Supernatural (unless you want me to) since I've already crossed this over with Chicago P.D. and Chicago Fire and most likely Chicago Med soon. My sister also drew the picture above. I screenshot-ed the video off of her YouTube.*

Oliver was the first one to wake up at 7:30 in the morning. He stared at the ceiling for a while and eventually just sat up, watching the room. He watched everyone.

Shaun tends to shy away from touch in his sleep while Leah is all for touch. So, Shaun was the little spoon and Leah was the big spoon. Felicity slept in weird positions that could not be comfortable. She was twisted one way while her arms were another. Yev slept like a soldier. He was ramrod straight with his dinosaur stuffed animal next to him.

Mickey was currently sleeping on top of Ian. His head was on Ian's chest and Mickey was holding him tightly. Ian had his arms around Mickey as well. He knew Ian was awake when he saw Ian stroking Mickey's hair. It didn't take long for Ian to realize Oliver was awake.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hey," Oliver whispered and smiled back. "Sorry that I'm awake."

Ian looked confused, "Don't be sorry. We're just two early birds in a family of night owls."

Oliver smiled at that. He laid back down on his pillow.

"Hey, Ian?"

"Yes, Olli."

"I actually have a small Christmas present for you and Mickey."

"Oh? Really?"

"I'm going to start calling you and Mickey, Dad now. Don't think it was forced upon me or I felt obligated to. I want to. You two are the most loving family I have ever had and...I've only been here for a month."

Ian started crying.

"I-I didn't mean to upset you! I'm sorry! I can take it back! I-"

"Come here, sweet boy."

Ian shuffled Mickey off of him and sat up on the bed. Oliver came over, making sure to not step on Yev. Ian put his hand on Oliver's cheek and Oliver leaned into it.

"It would be an honor to be your dad. It's only been a month, but, and I think I speak for everyone, that you are a part of this family. You're my son. You're Mickey's son. You are Yev's best friend and older brother. You are Felicity's younger brother and partner in crime. You can call me dad because I can assure you, you're not going anywhere."

Oliver was crying by the time Ian finished his speech. He threw himself onto Ian, which knocked Ian back into the bed. Oliver had his arms around Ian and was burying his head into the crook of Ian's shoulder.

"You are the best dads ever."

Oliver went back to sleep on top of Ian and Ian did not want to move, so he stayed there and held his son.

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