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Felicity wasn't ever great when it came to feelings. Feelings usually crept up to her and bashed her over the head before taking her hostage.

Romantic feelings were the exact same way.

Felicity is demisexual. She has to have an emotional connection to you before she feels anything. While it doesn't mean she hasn't had crushes in the past, it still means that if she doesn't know you, it's most likely not going to happen. The last time Felicity really liked someone, they betrayed her. Oh, and they were straight, but the main point is, they sold her out to the class before she was even ready.

Felicity's feelings for Phoebe were frustrating. She has known Phoebe for three years and has only seen her date boys. Phoebe went through three guys in one year! Not to mention the fact that Phoebe was supposed to be like a sister to her. They did everything together.

Felicity knows it's a crush though because she never felt this way for Fletcher and she's known him since fifth grade when he first moved there. It was a beautiful day. He asked her for goldfish in return for an Oreo. He pushed her on accident and she pushed him back in return. They've been inseparable since.

Felicity has been noticing subtle things about Phoebe that she didn't take into effect before. The way she walks as if she has all the confidence in the world. Her carefree behavior and independence. It was beautiful and lovely.

What's even more confusing is Felicity feels the same way for Jake. Jake always ruffled her hair when he came into the classroom. She would flick him on the head.

So, when the homecoming dance was first announced, he asked her. Fliss said yes to him. And boy, could Phoebe be any more jealous. Sure, Phoebe had a date but this was Fliss. 

"Fliss is allowed to date whomever she pleases," Phoebe thought. "She's smart. She won't get heartbroken."

"But what if you're the one that gets heartbroken?" her mind argued.

"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone," Phoebe remarked to her brain.

Mickey and Ian were excited for her. More or less, Ian was excited. He was happy Felicity liked someone.

Mickey is mad because his Phoeblicity ship wasn't coming true. He also has a two hundred dollar bet that Phoeblicity will happen by the end of the year.

V is also sure Phoeblicity will happen. Kev isn't so sure. Svetlana calls them idiots in love.

Carl is one-hundred percent sure it isn't going to happen. They way Felicity talks about Jake, no way. Liam doesn't care and doesn't want to be in the middle of it. He wants to run his peanut butter and jelly sandwich profit business.

Lip knows his niece. She loves them both. He votes for Jakoebelicity.

Debby doesn't want to get in the middle of it either. She secretly votes for Jake.

Frank Gallagher is out of it all the time, but he has fifty dollars towards Phoebe.

Fiona is to busy trying to find a job and a man. Too bad Jimmy Steve isn't around. Fiona would work at the local pet store, but she isn't a fan of pets. She has enough family members to deal with. No need for another thing to clean up after.

Mandy is with Lip. Jakeobelicity all the way.

Felicity's dad says fuck all of them, but secretly, he's being fucked himself. By Terry Milkovich. No homo though.

Basically, the whole family had bets by Homecoming week.

Phoeblicity wasn't happening for a while though.

Jake came to the Ian's and Mickey's house wearing a suit, bowtie, and holding white and pink roses. He was constantly checking himself.

When Mickey answered the door, he was impressed. Jake greeted Mickey with "Mister Milkovich-Gallagher" and "sir". He waited patiently at the table.

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