Job Opportunity

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*Filler chapter. This is an Ian based chapter, too. You don't have to read it. Just thought I'd do a crossover.*

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" Ian greeted his boss.

"Hello, Ian," his boss greeted him. "You're probably wondering why I called you in here?"

"Yes, sir."

"So, you do not have a call for a few hours here. I was wondering if you would want to take up on an opportunity."

"Sure. What's the opportunity?"

"Ambulance 61 is in need of a paramedic for their next few shifts. If you take the opportunity, you will be pairing up with Sylvie Brett. The shifts will be at Firehouse 51."

"That's not too far from where I live," Ian said. "My daughter does one of her after school programs there."

"So, you in?"

"Yes, of course."

*********************Meanwhile at Firehouse 51***********************************

"Who have they assigned you today?" Stella Kidd asked Sylvie.

"Someone named Ian Gallagher. Looks like a good guy and he has experience. It says he should be here in thirty minutes."

"I wish you luck."

Kidd left with a tap to Sylvie's shoulder.

**************30 minutes later (Imagine it in that spongebob voice)*********************

Ian parked his car and headed to the firehouse. A younger looking blonde girl was waiting for him outside the ambulance.

"Hi, you must be Ian," Sylvie held her hand out.

"Yeah, that's me," Ian shook Sylvie's hand. "You must be Sylvie Brett."

"That I am," she confirmed. "Follow me. I'll show you around."

Once they got around the ambulance, Ian could see a group of guys sitting at a table, playing a card game.

"That's where the 'cool guys' sit. That's Cruz, Severide, and Capp. Hermann occasionally sits out here."

Cruz saw Sylvie and waved at her. She politely waved back to him. Sylvie continued on with the journey.

"I technically gotta take you to Chief Boden's office, but I'm gonna show you every obstacle along the way."

"Take your time," Ian said. "We have all day."

He gave a shy smile to Sylvie. She smiled back and showed him the main room.

"This is where we usually take breaks between calls. That's the kitchen. We all switch out throughout the week on who makes the meals and who washes the dishes. That over there is Mouch's Couch. And sitting on it is, you guessed it, Mouch."

Mouch and Hermann were watching a Cubs game.

"Shh, it just got good."

Sylvie rolled her eyes and Ian laughed a little.

"Reminds me of my husband. When he gets really into a show, there are to be zero distractions," Ian laughed.

Sylvie saw Ian's eyes light up as he talked about his husband. That's how she felt about Casey. She loved Casey like crazy.

"Anyways, over there is the conference room. We'll most likely be in there within the next hour. Boden has to do his announcements and introduce you to the team."

"Sounds fun."


Ian was starting to like Sylvie. Not that he didn't like her before, but things were slowly becoming more comfortable.

"Over there is Gallo and Ritter. Gallo is our personal class clown and daredevil. He had this...hero complex. He feels the need to save everybody. Ritter is shy until you get to know him. Then, he is sarcastic and funny."

Sylvie led Ian through the hallway.

"This is our nesting chambers. It's where we sleep. Back there is Lieutenant Severide's office and beside it is Captain Casey's office. Any grievance or concern or even a suggestion you can bring to them."

Then, they finally arrived at Boden's office. He was sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. Sylvie knocked slightly before opening the door.

"Hey, Chief. Ian's here."

"Take a seat," Boden said gruffly.

If anybody was intimating in this place to Ian, it was Boden. He was older, gruffer, and had this deep voice.

"So you're Ian Gallagher?"

"Yes, sir. Just here to fill in a few shifts until you can find a more permanent partner for Sylvie."

"She showed you around?"

"Yes, sir. She gave me the grand tour and she told me about the people here. You all seem like a big family, honestly. I love that and...I'm rambling. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Boden stood up. "Welcome to the team."

"Wait, really?" Ian's mouth dropped as he shook Boden's hand. "Thank you!"

"Now, I think it's time you met the team. And I have a few announcements, so follow me to the conference room."

As soon as everybody saw Boden enter the team room, somebody called out that a meeting was happening and everybody scurried into the room.

"This week, we need the trucks cleaned inside and out. Inspections are next week on the trucks. We also have a new addition to the Firehouse. Meet Ian Gallagher. He's our new paramedic."

"He seems kinda scrawny, doesn't he?" Hermann accidentally whispered loudly.

"I promise you, Hermann, I'm anything but scawny."

A bunch of whoops went around the room. 

"I like him," Gallo said. "He's ballsy."

"Not to mention attractive," Ritter added. "What? I can look."

Mouch was the first one to singlehandedly greet Ian. "Welcome to the firehouse, Gallagher?"

"Thanks, Mouch."

"Now," Mouch started as he threw an arm over Ian's shoulder, "how do you feel about poker games?"

Casey laughed as he exited the room behind them.

"I play them every Friday with my husband and my daughter. She's quite the champion. She learned it from me."

"We're gonna get along just fine then. As long as you don't insult the Cubs."

Ian laughed. "Never."

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