Doctor Visits Part 2

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*Dedicated to @The_lazy_leo for giving me this idea

Felicity was jittery the whole morning. She was nervous, but she honestly just wanted to get the shot over and done with. To calm her nerves while she got ready, she put on the latest episode of a podcast.

Felicity, in middle school, thought podcasts were stupid and boring. But then as a high schooler, she decided to give podcasts a try. She immediately fell in love with podcasts, especially true crime podcasts. Her latest true crime podcast was the "Crime Junkie" podcast.

(A/N: I listen to Crime Junkie and I recommend it. I also recommend Bridgewater, Supernatural: Then and Now, and Kings of Con podcast. I might not talk about Supernatural: Then and Now in this sequel currently because this is based before 2022.)

She had her headphones on and was brushing her teeth when she heard one of her dads yelling at her other dad.

Felicity headed down the stairs and took her headphones off. She laid the headphones on the counter and paused her podcast.

"Perfect timing, Fliss," Ian said. "We've gotta go. Mickey's going to take you because I just got called in to work. Someone called out and they're in need of a paramedic."

Felicity smiled. "Then go, silly. Don't lug around here all day. Mickey and I will be fine."

Ian immediately grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Mickey grabbed his pair of keys and Felicity followed him out to their other car that Mickey totally didn't steal.

What idiot leaves keys in their car anyway?

(A/n: This idiot. On accident.)

Mickey turned on the radio station.

You would think, it being November and all, that surely, Christmas music wouldn't be playing. WRONG! Mickey swears Mariah Carey rigs every store and radio station to play "All I Want For Christmas Is You" on November first every fucking year.

"Not today, Satan," Mickey mumbled as he went through radio stations, trying to find classic rock. Shit, he could do Lip's jazz music if it meant not having to listen to Mariah Carey.

Mickey just ended up turning off the radio. It was quiet in the car, minus Mickey swearing under his breath when people cut him off.

"How's Shaun and Leah doing?" Mickey asked, trying to start conversation.

"They're doing good. Shaun's made some new friends with the first-year residents. Leah is throwing herself into her job and Doctor Glassman is still there for Shaun."

After Leah had her miscarriage, Felicity was allowed to stay with them for two weeks. By herself as well. It hurt to see Leah hurting so much. It hurt to see Shaun hurting so much. The two were really excited for their baby girl. All Felicity could do was grieve with them and support them. She experienced Shaun going off on Lea's mother for saying dinosaurs weren't a girl thing.

Which, Shaun maybe should not have called her stupid, but hey, dinosaurs are for everybody. Felicity stands by this.

As do I, your friendly neighborhood narrator.

When they arrived at the doctor's office, the nurse took them back pretty quickly and went through the regular procedure.

Felicity was five feet, four and a half inches. (A/n: how I wish to be this height, but alas, I was not born with tall or even medium height genes.)

Felicity also weighed one hundred and thirty-two pounds.

Her blood pressure was normal for a sixteen year old girl. As was her heartbeat and lungs.

The nurse asked Felicity when her last period was. Felicity answered with she hasn't started yet. Like, it was a one and done thing that happened in ninth grade.

The doctor said if it hasn't started by February, to give them to call.

The doctor followed up with asking if Felicity was sexually active. It is an awkward question in itself because Mickey would stare at her. He surely was sexually active at sixteen (Thank you Ian Gallagher) and knew what sixteen year olds did. He really didn't stare at her as a "if you're sexually active, we're going to have a talk at home" sort of look.

He looked at her in a "I want to see her response because it's usually pretty fucking funny" kind of look.

Felicity's response: "Ma'am, I'm barely socially active."

(A/N: Do you know how many times I've said this to my doctor. I've said it to my dermatologist. Sorry for the author's note. Proceed.)

Mickey laughed and so did the doctor.

"Better than me when I was sixteen," the doctor commented.

"Same," Mickey replied.

Then, the doctor went through the shots Felicity had to get. Felicity looked nervously at Mickey as she nodded her head.

"I'll be right back," the doctor told them as she walked out of the room.

"Blue's Clues, hold my hand."


"I mean, you can hold my hand. Squeeze it if you have to."

Felicity held onto Mickey's hand almost instantly. His hands were callused from the many years he has spent doing crap for his dad. Whether it was fixing cars, drug runs, or anything else, Mickey's hands became callused quickly.

Ian's hands were the opposite. Ian's were soft and smooth. He did rub them down every night with lub- I mean lotion. Definitely lotion. Definitely the only thing that goes on his hands, right?

Damn autocorrect.

Anyways, the doctor came back into the room and laid the container with the shots on the table next to Felicity. She wiped Felicity's right arm with sterilizing wipes.

"You'll just feel a little pinch."

Felicity closed her eyes and squeezed Mickey's hand. She hated the feeling of a needle in her arm. They say you can barely feel it, but Felicity always knew it was there.

It was over quickly.

"See, not that bad," the doctor said, applying bandages to Felicity's arm. "You're all done."

Felicity could beg to differ on the 'not so bad' part, but she was glad it was over. Mickey scheduled the next appointment with the front desk and out they went. 

"Caramel, right?"

Felicity was confused. "What?"

"Caramel ice cream is your favorite, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Great, we're picking some up on the way home and we're watching movies for the rest of the day."

Felicity doesn't think she could smile any bigger.

*Hey fellas. Sorry for the author's notes throughout. The reason Felicity hasn't started her period cycle is because I want to do a chapter where she gets it and Mickey and Ian help her. I also want Fiona or Mandy to explain periods to her and to help Mickey and Ian out with Felicity.

I also really want Mickey to rush to get Felicity ice cream and chocolate. 

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