Bad Becomes Worse

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*this chapter is depressing and I apologize because I almost fucking cried writing it.*

School gets cancelled for the rest of the year. It truly was the meaning of "there's 104 days of summer vacation" except school doesn't come along just to end it.

On top of that, a week later, Ian gets exposed to covid during a call. The patient was having trouble breathing but had previous issues with asthma in the past. Ian went through a whole deep cleanse but still got sent home by Boden. Ian got told to take a week off to quarantine, take a rapid covid test, and if it was negative, then come back in for a shift.

That would've been great. Ian takes Borden's advice and quarantines for a week. He spends time with his kids but at a distance. Mickey's mostly pissed off because Ian won't kiss him anywhere except his cheek or forehead.

He won't even cuddle him at night. Mickey can't fucking wait until the week is over.

And then Ian starts showing signs. The guy that runs two miles in the morning barely walks down stairs without wheezing. Ian also felt cold and tired all of the time.

So, a week later on Monday, Mickey takes Ian to the closest clinic for a quick covid test. They swabbed him and said they'd text him the results. A day later, the test comes back positive. 

"Mickey, get the kids out of the house. Our kids catch the flu as easily as Gabriel catches dog treats," Ian tells him before coughing.

"Where do I send them?"

"The Gallagher house, duh," Ian rolls his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "They can come back when I'm not in as bad of a state as I am now."

"But Ian-"

"They're as much of my kids as they are yours. Please, Mick. One person is already hard to take care of. Imagine three more people to take care of. And it's a huge risk to Yev. All the kids who have gotten it so far have not made it. Protect our kids so we can get better."

Mickey sat down with the kids that night.

"Guys, um... your dad and I have come to a decision. Ian's really sick right now and he's highly contagious."

"What's contagious mean?" Yev asked.

"We can get sick easily," Felicity said, while staring straight at Mickey. They locked eyes.

"So, you guys will be staying with your aunt Debbie, Lip, uncle Carl, and Fiona at the Gallagher house."

"How long?" Oliver questions.

"A week."

Felicity looks down at her feet.

"Blue's Clues, I need you to keep an eye out for your brothers. Look after them for us."

"Why are you taking like we aren't coming back for a while?" Felicity asks, pulling her knees up to her chest. She's breathing quickly. "Will we see you at all?"

"I'll call you, Rugrats. And I'll visit once a day but at a distance. Ian's really sick, meaning I might get this illness."

Mickey really hoped Felicity could see through his act. The strong voice was a lie. He wanted to scream and tell them to stay, that everything will be okay. He can't because he knows it's what's best. If he lost any of his children, Mickey would never forgive himself.

"We get to see Frannie and Liam, right?" Yev questioned.


"Yay!" Yev ran upstairs to pack his bag. 

"I'm gonna go help him," Oliver announced and pointed up the stairs. He sidehugged Mickey before heading upstairs.

"Felicity," Mickey says when Oliver is out of the room. 

"Will he get better? Will he end up in the hospital? Please do not lie to me, I'm not a young child."

"He'll get better but I don't know about the hospital bit," Mickey answers honestly. He runs his hands through his black hair. "I hope it doesn't come to that."

"I can't lose him, Dad." Felicity finally cries. She wipes her tears away rapidly. "I can't lose another person. If I lose him, I lose you, and then I'll be alone."

"You won't lose me," Mickey whispers. "You won't end up alone. Felicity... I'm scared as hell. I hate seeing him suffer and everything is telling me he'll be okay, but there's that one voice that tells me he won't. He's the love of my life, Fliss. If he were to... I'd not only lose your father but my..."

"Your soulmate."

Mickey's voice breaks. "It sounds so fucking stupid. I know soulmates don't exist; I've been told that my whole life. But i see Ian and I can't see myself with anyone else. He's it for me."

"He's your forever," Felicity realizes. "You need him as much as I need him."

Felicity gets up and throws herself into Mickey's arms, where she cried harder. Mickey tightens his grip around her. The hug is strong between them. Mickey cries along with Felicity.

"I love you, Dad."

Mickey kisses Felicity's hair. "I love you, too. So damn much."

And the two sit like that for a while. They take in the other as they hug each other. Both needs the other strongly. Mickey is Felicity's rock. Felicity is currently Mickey's rock, along with Oliver and Yev. 

Felicity eventually pulls back and wipes the tears form Mickey's eyes. "I'll watch them. I'll take care of them. They need me. Just promise to call."

"I pinky-promise."

Mickey held up his pinky finger while Felicity huffed out a giggle. She reaches her pinky finger and wraps it around his.

"Every damn day?"

Mickey laughs. "Every damn day. Now, why don't we check on your brothers? I'm sure Yev's trying to pack his whole room into one dinosaur suitcase."

"He probably is and Olli's letting him do it because he's too busy trying to pack his own."

*next chapter will also be depressing but at least Lip Gallagher will be in it.*

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