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"Hey, you on your way home yet?"

"Yes, Firecrotch," Mickey said into the phone. "Just picked up something from the store."

"But we just got groceries yesterday," Ian implied.

"Yeah, um, well."

"Mickey," Ian pinched the end of his nose from the other end of the line. Mickey could practically see the bitchface. "What did you do now?"

"Well, you're not going to like me."

"Did you kill somebody and are picking up bleach and shovels to dispose of the body?"

"No!" Mickey exclaimed sarcastically, his voice going up an octave. "Besides, I'd ask you for that and drop Olli and Yev off at V's house."

"Where would Felicity be in this scenario?"

"Helping us because you know the child would insist on helping."

"True, but you still haven't told me what you did," Ian said.

"There's gonna be a new addition to the family."

Ian could hear rustling in the background. "Please tell me you didn't accidentally adopt another kid."


Ian sighed. "What's the name?"

"Gabriel. He's cute. He kinda followed me around and I couldn't get him to go away. He's older."

"What are you bringing home, Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich-Gallagher?"

"Um, you'll just have to see."

Mickey quickly hung up the phone. He put a hand on the thing in the passenger seat.

"They're gonna love you, buddy."

********************************Time Skip*****************************

Mickey opened the door to the house to find Ian standing there, staring at him with his arms crossed. Ian also had his eyebrows raised as he glared at Mickey.

"Papa, why are you staring at Dad like that?" Yev asked.

"He's in trouble."

Felicity obnoxiously laughed from the kitchen. "What'd he do this time?"

"Are you gonna show me what you brought home?"

"Yes, Sasquatch."

Mickey turned on his heels and went out to the car. The kids instantly stood at the front door next to Ian and looked out.

"No peaking. That goes for you too, Ian."

Yev covered his eyes, along with Oliver and Felicity. Ian simply closed his eyes.

"Open them!"

In Mickey's arms was a little Welsh Corgi. The corgi was older than a puppy and was wriggling in Mickey's arms. The corgi was tan, black, and white with brown eyes. Mickey was laughing as the dog licked his face.

"Hey, I told you it wasn't a kid," Mickey remarked.

"Puppy!" Yev yelled.

"Puppy!" Felicity yelled.

Oliver stood in his spot. He wasn't the biggest fan of dogs, but small dogs were fine. He just didn't like the huge ones that jumped all over you or looked like they could kill you just by looking at you.

Mickey handed the dog off the Felicity. 

"What's his name?"


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