Sad Days

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Ian woke up in a sad mood. He didn't want to move and he didn't want to do anything. He didn't know why he was sad. He just was. He took his meds so he didn't think it had anything to do with being bipolar.

Mickey knew something was wrong, so he was the one to make breakfast and take the kids to friends' houses. Shaun and Leah went to do the grocery shopping as a way to get themselves out of the house and to give Ian and Mickey space.

Mickey came back to Ian still lying in bed. He had bunched the blankets around him and was staring at the wall.

"Hey, Ian," Mickey said softly. "How you feeling?"

Ian sighed in response. Mickey crouched down next to Ian and brushed the hair from Ian's eyes. Ian's eyes were red and bloodshot.

"I'll be right back, Firecrotch."

Ian watched Mickey leave the room. He went back to his thoughts and staring at the wall. He heard water running in the distance but didn't think anything of it.

Mickey came back about seven minutes later. "Up, Ian."

Ian grumbled.

"Come on. Get up, moia kokhana."

(Translation from Ukrainian: my love.)

Ian got up reluctantly and moved as Ian led him to the bathroom.

"We're going to try taking a bath again. Together. And not the 'we sit on the other sides of the bathtub with our knees to our chests.' I'm getting in first. You are going to lay on top of me."

"Like Pretty Woman?" Ian spoke for the first time that day.

"Exactly like Pretty Woman. And if you want to talk to me, you can talk to me. Rant about your new best friend, Sylvie. Talk about work, the kids, Shaun and Leah, the newest book you're reading. I do not care if you don't talk at all. We'll just stare at each other."

Ian smiled shyly at Mickey. Mickey pushed Ian into the bathroom. The air was steamy and it smelled citrusy. Mickey had already started stripping off his clothes and getting in the bath tub. Ian soon followed and laid his head against Mickey's chest as he sighed.

"I'm pretty sure this guy I work with is gay. His name is Ritter. He's really nice and I think he might be gay. I haven't asked, though. And Sylvie's been fucking amazing. She's very sweet and I am one hundred percent sure she has a crush on Matt Casey. He's our Lieutenant. Super nice dude. She is constantly staring at him and she is always smiling. I hope they get together."

"I think Felicity is rubbing off on you," Mickey joked. "You're shipping people now."

Ian laughed. "Well, every ship of hers has become canon so far. I mean, look at us. We're canon."

"We were married before she shipped us."


Mickey shrugged as he grabbed for the shampoo bottle.

"I think I've been adopted by Herrmann. He's funny and he gives good advice. He defends me a lot, too. I think that's just how he is with newbies. And he invited you and me to his bar, Molly's, this weekend."

"Cool, I'll go with you."

Mickey was currently rubbing soap into Ian's hair. Ian leaned into the touch.

"Feeling better?"

"A little bit."

They both stood up to wash their own bodies. Then, they rinsed off.

"Please pass me the towel, Ian."

"Mmm, no."

"What?" Mickey said annoyed.

"Come and get it, shortstack."

Ian held the towel above his head. He had his own towel wrapped around his waist. Mickey got out and immediately tried to tackle Ian for it. He reached up a few times before having an epiphany.

He grabbed Ian's towel that was around his waist and went into their room.

"You little-" Ian didn't finish what he was saying.

Mickey was around throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a striped long-sleeved shirt. Ian snuck up behind Mickey and picked him up. 

"Put me down!" Mickey yelled as Ian carried him over to the bed. "This. Is. Not. Fucking. Funny."

"It's hilarious."

Mickey kept kicking at Ian and Ian threw Mickey on the bed. He quickly pinned down Mickey's arms.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Ian and Mickey kissed before Ian got off the throw on a pair of pants. He then laid back down with his husband. Mickey ran his hands through Ian's wet hair.

"Wanna watch something on my phone?" Mickey questioned.

"Sure, but give it a minute. I want to admire my beautiful husband for a second."

Mickey turned a bright shade of red and moved his available hand to hide his face. Ian laughed and moved Mickey's hand away. 

"I still got it," Ian whispered. 

"Fuck you."


Ian laid back down on Mickey's chest.

"Thank you for cheering me up. I don't know why I was sad."

"No problem, Firecrotch. I'm your husband. I promised to be with you til the end of the line. And we're all allowed to have days where we're sad."

"Wait," Ian interrupted. "go back. What did you say?"

"We're all allowed to have days where we're sad?"

"No, before that."

"I promise to be with you til the end of the line?"

"Yeah," Ian affirmed. "Did you just quote Bucky?"

"Yes, I did," Mickey said proudly.



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