The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Ah. Christmas Eve. A wonderful day filled with joy and sleepless kids.

Mickey was up earlier than the others. He couldn't go back to sleep, so he just got up and made himself coffee with extra rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream. He threw on an ugly Christmas sweater that said "Bite me" with a gingerbread man on it. He drank his coffee and stared at the wall, stuck in his thoughts.

Shaun was up about thirty minutes later. He was used to the routine of getting up early. Shaun made himself hot chocolate. He was wearing pajama pants with Snoopy on them with a grey shirt.

"Morning, Murphy."

"Good morning, Mickey."

Shaun sat in front of Mickey. Shaun had come to figure out that if Mickey calls you by your last name, he likes you. Shaun was happy to be on that list.

"What are we doing today?" Shaun asked, attempting to make friendly conversation.

"The kids want to make cookies so we plan on doing that. Maybe wrap some presents to put under the tree. We're also watching Christmas movies all day."

"Like The Family Stone?"

"Exactly. That's Fliss' favorite Christmas movie. That and Arthur's Christmas."

"Mine's Love Actually," Shaun told him. "I also am quite fond of How the Grinch Stole Christmas."

"Old version, 2000s version, or the Cumberbatch version?"

"I haven't seen the Benedict Cumberbatch version yet, but I like the live action one."

"I knew there was a reason I liked you," Mickey joked.

Shaun just turned his head and looked confused.

"I'm just messing with you," Mickey lightly shoved Shaun's shoulder. Shaun pushed Mickey back, playfully. 

Leah came into the room rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Mickey and Shaun were playfully pushing each other and laughing at the same time. The first thought Leah had was, "I wanna marry this man."

And then she repeated herself in her head. "Holy Tardis of Gallifrey! I want to marry Shaun!"

"Good morning, Leah."

"Mornin' Punk."

Mickey's term of endearment for Leah was calling her a punk. His explanation: she is one. It's okay though because she calls him Shortie.

"Where do you guys keep the k-cups, Shortie?"

"In the pantry, third shelf from the bottom. You gotta take the peanut butter jar off of it to get to it."

Mickey and Ian had a small amount of the good shit. They had the "Donut Shop" brand labeled "Sundae Fundae Latte".

It's the little things in life.

She put the cup in the coffee maker and was trying to choose between all the wonderful mugs accumulated over the years. She was between a baby yoda mug (I'm not used to calling him Grogu yet) and a cup that would've been fine, had it not had a sticker attached to it saying: "I'm a posse magnet. I love posse".

 I love posse"

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