Mental Health Days

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Mickey went to get Felicity up in the morning for school. She grumbled and turned over. Mickey got the other kids up and then went back to Felicity.

"What's wrong, kiddo?"

"I just- is it okay if I don't go to school today?" Felicity asked. "I'm not sick physically, but I think I just need a day."

"Sure, but Ian and I have to work," Mickey explained. "You can stay here by yourself or we can take you with us. I mean, Hermann brought his son the other day so I don't think anybody would mind."

"Can you take with me to work with you today then? I don't want to be here by myself. I can only handle the quiet for a few hours before my mind starts to overthink and suddenly working on schoolwork turns into every possible reason on how Tony Stark could've survived Endgame."

"Yeah, just be ready by the time I come back from dropping off the kids."

Mickey usually returned by eight a.m. so Felicity had a little time. She heard Mickey tell Ian about how she was going to work with them because she needed a little break from school.

Felicity put in earbuds and listened to "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter which usually helped her on days like this.

(I would've done World's Smallest Violin or Numb Little Bug but I have to remember this takes place a little before covid hit and schools let out. Spoiler: That's coming by the way)

Felicity put on comfortable clothing that was presentable but still quite comfortable. She put on a purple, green, and white sweater with a pair of black pants that weren't too tight, but also not too loose. She then slipped on a pair of Beaker from the Muppets socks and her Supernatural shoes Phoebe painted. Did she match? Maybe not but she was damn comfortable. She walked downstairs and laid on the couch. Ian heated up an Eggo Waffle for Felicity and handed it to her. Felicity gladly took it and nibbled. Ian, being Ian, checked her head to make sure she wasn't running a fever. She didn't feel hot but it didn't hurt to check. Ian packed some Tylenol in his work back just in case Felicity didn't feel well, though.

Mickey got back in record time and he got ready for work. Mickey was used to being ready in five minutes and couldn't exactly shake the habit, no matter how hard he tried. They got in the car and Felicity laid in the back.

"Hey, Fliss."


"Has anything happened recently that we don't know about?"

"Umm," Felicity paused for a second. There's no point in lying at this point and she needed to get it off her chest. "Yeah, actually."

"Stop the car real quick," Mickey said to Ian. "No questions, just do it."

Felicity feared for her life. "Please don't hit me," she thought.

Ian pulled over and Mickey got out and got in the back. Felicity had balled herself into the other door.

"Fliss, I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'm guessing it's a response you've gained from your childhood trauma."

"How'd you guess that?"

"Therapy," Mickey said. "Lots and lots of therapy." He held out his hand for Felicity to take.

Felicity took his hand and scooted closer to where she could lay her head on his shoulder.

"You can start the car back up, Firecrotch. It's cold as balls. Now, Felicity, you wanna tell us what happened."

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