Mistletoe Gay Panic

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Felicity and Phoebe were currently helping Mickey and Ian decorate the inside of the Milkovich-Gallagher house. Phoebe was staying the night since school was officially out.

Phoebe was currently putting up the countdown calendar and Felicity was putting up the stockings.  They were ranting about school and how they were glad it was over for now because boy was a break needed.

Mickey pulled something out of a box placed near him.

"Look what I found!" Mickey whispered-yelled.

Mickey held up mistletoe.

"No," Ian said, "Don't do it."

"I'm gonna do it."

"Don't you dare, Mickey Milkovich."

Mickey stuck his tongue out at Ian and reached up to hang the mistletoe. Ian just shook his head at his husband and put up the Christmas wreath he was holding. Mickey hung the mistletoe to where it was visible, but not visible enough to avoid it.

"You are a child."

"I'm just kick-starting my otp." 

Ian sighed. They soon got the place finished and the boys came in from playing outside.

"Daddy!" Yev yelled. "I won three games!"

"That's good, Buddy!" Mickey congratulated his son. He highfived Yev and Ian then highfived Yev. Olli had let Yev win, and he was cool with it.

Felicity walked into the kitchen to get a water. She stood under the opening to the kitchen and Phoebe followed. Phoebe stood under the opening next to Felicity.

"What's that?" Yev pointed at the top of the opening. 

Felicity looked up and immediately went red. Sssshhhhiiiiiittttt. 

"That's mistletoe," Phoebe mumbled.

"It's pretty."

"Uh huh."

Yev got bored and ran off, leaving the two under the mistletoe.

"W-we don't have to. I mean, we can just walk away and go on with our business. Go up to my room and-"

"You are so blind sometimes."

Phoebe pulled Felicity to her by Felicity's waist and turned her around so her back was against the opening. Phoebe kissed her. Felicity thought that she, herself, should've worn chapstick. Phoebe's lips were soft and pillowy and Felicity got lost in that kiss.

As soon as it started, it was over. Phoebe smiled and walked upstairs, leaving Felicity to lean against the wall. She touched her lips and saw her fingers had red from Phoebe's lipstick. Felicity ran her hand through her hair.

"Holy shit," Felicity said to herself. "Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT! I'm gay as fuck."

Felicity walked her way to the living room where Mickey wore a knowing smile. Felicity threw herself onto the couch.

"Did I look like that when you first kissed me, Mickey?"

"Hell yeah, you dork."

Felicity just laid there.

"I'm a lot gayer than I thought," Felicity said out loud.

"No shit, Sherlock," Mickey retorted. "How was it?"

"She manhandled me and then... she kissed the living daylights out of me," Felicity told them. If she was curious about her feelings for Phoebe, they were now confirmed. She really liked her. Third time's the charm, she guesses.

Meanwhile, Phoebe had flopped down on Felicity's bed and replayed the moment over and over again. That kiss was amazing. She then thought, "What if Felicity didn't like it?" and "I should've asked her permission first."

But she reassured herself, Felicity kissed back. Felicity kissed warmly and shamelessly. Felicity had immediately opened her mouth to Phoebe and Phoebe felt Felicity's breath tickle her nose as they kissed. Phoebe's heart had fluttered in her chest. She hoped Felicity felt the same way.

Phoebe heard the door open. Felicity walked in and closed the door behind her. She laid next to Phoebe on the bed. They didn't say anything for quite some time.

"What are we?" Felicity asked.

"I don't know," Phoebe answered.

They stared at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"I want to see where this takes us."

Phoebe sat up onto her arm. Felicity looked up at her.

"I... have liked you since the beginning of this year. Romantically, I mean. I mean, what isn't there to like on you. You're smart. You're funny and you're beautiful."

"You're rambling," Phoebe giggled as she booped Felicity's nose.

"I would like to be girlfriends. I like Jake, really, I do, but I don't think I like him romantically. I did at one point, but, I love him as if he was my brother. It's like how I love Shaun, and I don't want to lead him on like that. If we do this, I'm all in. You make me feel..."

"I make you feel like what?"

"Like I'm at home. Not just here, and not just my wonderful dads. I'm quite fond of you and you always find a way to make me smile."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I'll be girlfriends with you, Felicity."

Phoebe's smile went across her whole face. Felicity put her hand to the back of Phoebe's neck. Phoebe's breath hitched.

"Is this okay?"

Phoebe couldn't find the ability to find words, so she nodded. Felicity slowly moved Phoebe's head down to capture her lips. This one was a lot like the first one, except it was longer and more emotional.

Phoebe and Felicity slowly moved away and leaned their heads against each others. And they laid on Felicity's bed, just taking each other in.

*Hey, dudes. I'm sorry if this was really bad. I wanted to make it realistic because I hate when books automatically have two teenagers whose "tongues are fighting for dominance" on the first kiss, even if they've kissed somebody before the person they're currently kissing. I've done it myself when I was younger and I both regret it and cringe at it. I hope you like the story so far!*

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