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"Why the fuck you wanted to meet me?" I stood with my jaw clenched,  tapping my foot continously . "And were you stalking me in japan ?" I slammed my hands on the table spilling the water on the white cloth .

"Please Vivian sit down . People will think bad of me" he tilts his cap closer to his face. 

"They should actually because you've ruined my life and your girlfriend". Hot tears stream down bluring my vision.  My throat was aching from yelling so much .

"Should I go if you're not ready to listen to me and sit down calmly" his tone was grave serious .

I decided to sit down because if someone started recorded then again I'll be dead . Actually really dead because there is a new heir .

He pushes the glass of water towards and me and I down it in one go .

"So , firstly I would like to apologise to you for all the words I said and I insulted you and used you . I very well aware that this kind of behaviour isn't excusable but I would still like to apologise.  I've never treated a girl so badly and that day I hated myself for that.  And I'm also sorry for not acknowledging how Rosa had been bullying you" . I've moved on , I don't care If he hates me or loves . I already have a boyfriend who is ignoring my texts and calls .

"Do you even know that still I'm suffering because of you" .

"But we haven't talked I'm weeks" .

"Yes , but you must be aware that I'm dating Haneul" . I nervously fiddle with my shirt sleeves . "He saw your shirt in my closet and came to the conclusion that I still love you and yes . I do . But that the old part of me , Iseul" .His eyes were popping out.  "I have those feelings for you because you were the first ever person to treat me like a human after coming to Korea , the person who brightened my day like the sun when I got abused by father and the person whose attention and love I started craving". I take a deep breath "But Iseul , now i love haneul and if I had to choose between you and him without a second thought it would he him".

"Vivian , I promise to never intrude in your life and I'll talk with Haneul because I never actually had feelings for you not even once . Actually i never had feelings for Rosa when we started dating but they developed overtime and now we also broke up ". He cleared his throat " I saw you as a great friend who wouldn't gloat over me like other girls did , wouldn't join a fan club about me that violates my privacy but they day you confessed I felt betrayed and my emotions took control of me".

"Why did you break up with Rosa ?"

"She saw me as a ladder to get into star entertainment it's the company where I'm a trainee" . He sips his coffee "I wasn't stalking you in japan , My grandma who had adopted me lives there I went to ask her for some money because I needed to cover my training fee".  I am shocked since star entertainment is owned by my father.
No wonder he decided my father's company because the top idols are from his company only .

"Do you know where Haneul lives ?"

"Yes, I can send you the address".

"Go to his house along with me to explain him everything , he wouldn't listen to me".

"Then will you forgive and become friends? . I'll come with you since Haneul had also stopped talking to me and hes one of my precious friend which i cant bear losing"


This Hanok was enormous, thrice the size of my grandfather's it could accommodate 50 families . How much does his family earn . My house is extravagant and spacious but not this huge  .

Iseul chuckled when he saw me how surprised I was .

A man asked the purpose of our visit on the speaker before opening the iron doors and then the wooden .

"Have you come here before?" Iseul knew the procedures of entering and the formalities.  

"Yes ,   I and yuan are the only friend Haneul has ever brought home.  I too was awestruck on my first visit ."

We were stopped by a man and woman who checked over pockets and clothes .

Then we were accompanied by a butler to Hanul's room.
While the 100 metres walk we met his mother she seemed kind and sweet , I introduced myself as just his friend since I felt awkward while saying that .

The butler left us outside his room , I knocked and heard him grumble something behind the door .

"Min Su , go away" he yelled at me as soon as he slammed open the door . Totally expecting someone else . My visit had surprised him so much that he couldn't find words for a few seconds.  "What are you doing here ?" He asked . I could see his jaw clenched when he saw Iseul .

"First of all you both come inside " his room was bigger,  than mine , he had a gaming chair and desktop , a library, a study table and a king size bed .

He motions me to sit on a beanbag and turns to Iseul .
"Why in the hell are you here .together?"

"Because you wouldn't care to trust your girlfriend when she was being honest to you . So I brought him"

"Yes , whatever she said that day was true . But I never had feelings for her , I have asked forgiveness too and I also want you to forgive me also" Haneul grabs him by the collar and punches him , I immediately get up and come between them .

"Have you lost your mind , I brought him so you could be friends again and forget the past , I've moved on why can't you" . He closes his eyes for a split second .

"I'm sorry , Iseul but you deserved that for making me get angry at my girlfriend" iseul just nodded "and I too miss our friendship" they both hug each other.  They say some words which I couldn't catch on .

I sighed "finally,  everything is resolved" and slump on the bean bag .

Haneul kneels infront of me and holds my hand.

"I would also like to apologise" .

From the corner of my eye I see iseul leaving the room .

"Why didn't you pick up my calls and see my texts do you even know how much worried I was" I kept on ranting until he kissed me , he probably ate something sweet his lips tasted like honey . His tongue finds his way inside my mouth .

"How can I be forgiven?" He asks .breathless.

"Kiss me until I'm gasping for breath" . I moan .

His eyes darkened and carries me to his bed .

His body hover over mine , his teeth graze my neck .

He places butterfly kisses on my collarbone and neck and stops before my breasts .

I could feel him hard against me .

He nibbles on my earlobe . I was so damn wet right now .
Without a second thought , I unbutton my shirt .

He was so surprised by my boldness .

His gaze was devouring me .

"I've never in my life seen a more beautiful girl than you , Vivian" .

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