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Riiiing......... my phone wouldn't stop ringing while I showered , as soon as I came out I saw 30 missed calls from Minji.

"So you were in the shower" she said as she noticed me wrapped in a towel.
"How was your first day at school , I beg forgiveness from Your Highness too since I couldn't call for 2 days because my phone got crushed by a car" she was lying prostrate on her bed .

"You are forgiven, my those 2 days were the worst days of my life , I was about to get assaulted on the wedding day." I sighed.

Her eyes were bulging out and she was shaking her iPad so badly and screaming "What happened exactly?"

"Chill. I stabbed him , and my cousin resolved the matter. " I calmed her down

She relaxed on the bed "I think I'll come and complete my studies in Korea"
My mouth was ajar "Don't look at me like that . After what you told I'll try to sort things out sooner for my arrival there".

"But I thought you hated this place and how could you leave a private school to attend this public school" she shrugged .

"Studies I can complete anywhere and one day I had to go there no matter what . I want you safe so I'll come there I've been enrolled in the same school".

I squealed and kicked the air "I can't believe this , omg . I will cry"

"you look ugly when you cry" she complained . "I gotta book the flights for tomorrow so I' have things to look after .

I couldn't believe Minji was coming here for me and was even getting enrolled in the same school as me . I'd give my life for her.

Someone knocked on my door "Come in" .

Mrs Li appeared "It's time for your studies , the teacher is here" .

"I'll be there in a swift let me get dressed" I asked her to leave .

I wore a onesie again this time it was quite plain but with tiger strips. My teacher never minds anything I do unless it affects my studies.

"Good evening Sir Osborne" I sat across him .

He just nodded in response .

"You have lost your competitors since you enrolled here , right ?"


"Now your study sessions will be back-breaking"

I was ready for the back breaking sessions .


Minji was supposed to land in the evening which meant I'll go straight to airport after school.

Today we had to perform some experiments , in pairs .
My eyes scanned the room for someone whom I could pair up with , Rosa was not here today which meant I could pair up with Iseul.

Before I could reach a swarm of girls was stuck to him since he was the most Alluring-conspicuous flower in class.
In his presence other boys in class seemed quite inconspicuous.

I decided to do it alone , but was startled by his voice .

"Vivian, wanna pair up ?" He somehow managed to escape those thirsty ladies .

"Sure" I smiled .

The experiment was going well until someone slammed the door open so loud that I spilled a chemical on my wrist . I gasped . Iseul took me by my arm to the basin beside our table and helped rinse the area , it was burning .

My ears were probably red .

"We need to go to the infirmary urgently." He was worried for ME.
Or is it just his usual self?

I turned around to find the one who startled me and it was Rosa .

Just when we were about to exist the lab rosa stopped Iseul.

"She can go alone it's only her hand , not her leg . She isn't gonna die anyways" she starred at me
and I too without blinking .

"Iseul, thanks for your concern" I harshly left his hand.

The nurse gave me an ice pack to relieve the pain , she said it'll be normal by tomorrow .

I didn't want to meet Rosa or anyone so I skipped and went to the terrace .

I found the most unexpected person there .

Haneul Kang.

I tried to quietly go back but he saw me and asked me to join him .

" Do you skip classes often?" he asked enjoying the fresh cool air .


"Do you ?"

"It's my first time" I leaned on the railing .

"What happened to your hand ?" He asked touching it so softly and cautiously as if I might shatter .

"I spilled some chemical" I whispered not meeting his eyes , it's not Rosa's victory yet.
My blood boiled .

"Lying" he chuckled .

I stared at him astonished .

"How could you tell ?" I asked .

"You were not meeting my eyes and clenched the railing so hard as if you were angry" he blew some smoke from his mouth "Who was it?"

"Why should I tell you ?" It's better to not tell him he's Iseul and Rosa's friend he's gonna backbite me .

He didn't try to be nosy and continued vaping.

"Can I also Try ?" I asked pointing at his vape .

I've drunk wine but never vaped . Trying one wouldn't hurt .

"No , you're a kid" he declined .

"I'm just a year younger" I wined . He was grinning at my childish behaviour .
"I've drunk wine" I said proudly .

"In church communion of course"

"At my parent's wedding , the day before yesterday" the worst memories rushed in front of my eyes .

I regretted blurting it out, so I tried to move away bustily but he held me by my shirt sleeve.

"I won't tell anyone " he seemed trustable.
It was my instincts that stopped me.

I sat on the floor cross-legged.

"If I told you. Who did this, will you betray me"

"Was it Rosa ?" He blew rings of smoke.

"Mhm," I nodded.

"She's such a bitch " he kept his vape inside his back pocket ."I never liked her dating Iseul it's been a year since they started and Iseul is quite a gullible person. He's a trainee too it's still a rumour only I know it's true and Rosa, that's why she's so stuck to him like glue." He seemed to hate Rosa as much as I did, he said those words while his fists were clenched.

"I am thinking of maintaining my distance with Iseul since she gives me death stares every time I try to talk with him." I sighed "rest of the classmates are very bitter towards me, like they see me as an alien" I fidget with the hem of my skirt as nervousness seeps through me ."I can't make friends I feel so lonely here but thankfully my friend minji who studies in the USA but she's originally lived in Korea . she ran away to the USA, will be coming here for me" he seemed to be absorbing each word of mine.

The bell rang and we both simultaneously got up from the floor.
"Would you like to grab ramyeon after school?"

"I would love to actually, but as I told you I'll be picking up my friend from the airport ".

He was disappointed but agreed . We walked the hallway together . All of a sudden he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, my cheeks flushed.

"Watch where you're walking" he stepped back from me pointing at the fire extinguisher hung on the wall. "You wouldn't want a dent on your forehead after spilling chemicals" I felt relieved that he was just helping me out.

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