Blossoming Love

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When I entered the gate , a group of girls cursed me on my face . Some tried to push me while the boys whispered lewd comments about my stained polo dress .

What did I do to deserve this ?

I need to survive this one day its just one day I told myself repeatedly .

On reaching the class I found my desk covered with hateful comments calling me a whore  , cunt and a thief and list goes on .
My chair had glue spread on it .

I dont intend to stand here , so I filed a complaint against my whole class to the principal . But poor me , the principal is Rosa's father. 

I hope he takes a strict action towards them before I tell Mr Kim who I am .

When I went inside the class , the janitor had changed the chair but the desk was still unclean .

I was wondering what minji is doing right now , we had different classes , her's was just beside mine but we could only meet during recess .

Iseul sat where he always sits with Rosa and they've seemed to patch up . Iseul since morning didn't even glance at me , even by mistake .

As soon as recess started I treaded out of the class before others .

When I went inside Hanuel was already there with her talking and giggling , they've seemed to become quite great friends .

"Hello , Hanuel and minji"

"It's worse than I had imagined"

"Same" Haneul said .

"I just can't wait the day to come to an end" I slumped on a chair infront of them ."also , i need some air lets go to the rooftop"

This place is the best place to calm me . Haneul and I have spend alot of time here sharing secrets,  experiences and memories . I hope to make more with him .

"Where's Hanuel ?" He wasn't there with minji .

"He was looking at some summer camp which was stuck on the notice board" she tossed strawberries in her mouth. 

"Pass the strawberries" I love strawberries and cream more than anything they're one of my comfort food .

The tangy and sweet flavour bursts in my mouth while the creaminess makes my taste buds dance .

Miniji was giggling at my little happy dance ."If only people could see the parts of you that I see , I wish you find happiness soon . Vivi." But I don't want to show those parts to people who don't mean anything to me and when I tried to I only got hurt. I didn't say anything since she was consoling me and I'll ruin it.
Minji almost choked on the PB&J sandwich when Haneul called my name with so much enthusiasm that it for a second made me feel special. 

"Why the hell are you so excited ?" I asked raising a brow .

"Actually we are going to Japan"

"Who says?" I was surprised. 

"We're in Japanese class , being a part of that class school is taking us on an excursion of 5 days". He genuinely seemed quite excited , because most of the time he was very stoic and cold .

"That's an amazing idea actually , I won't have to be caged in my house the whole month" I am glad , I'm going but will dad allow after that drama . " I just hope my dad allows " .


Before I could enter the classroom,  Haneul pulled me back .

"Why is there a bruise on your cheek " he whispered , I could feel his breath on my neck .

"It's nothing" the way I hesitated before answering , made it clear I'm lying and he's extremely fast to catch on my lies , I hate how he reads my mind .

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