Friends ?

21 12 0

The weather was a sunny and gentle cool breeze
Made it so much better .
It's my first day at this school which I chose just because it seemed normal and didn't reek of rich filthy people .
They have uniforms here which I'm not used to .
I wore a white button-up with a maroon vest, I also had to wear a blazer , I decided to remove the vest since it was too stuffy . I wore a pleated beige skirt it was lined with black lines at the hem .
I tied my maroon-checked black tie around my neck . The last thing left was my shoes .
I clasped the lock of my Mary Jane's platform and went downstairs. The new staff greeted me. The newlywed couple wasn't around they went to Monaco for a week to celebrate their honeymoon .
My new governess popped up li Dao, she once worked for the foreign minister of Korea . She took good care of the children and has been doing her job for 50 Years . Remarkable . Her resume had no flaws. But I don't fucking care .

She may look sweet but looks can't deceive me any more.
She had grayish-black hair tied in a bun , God knows how much gel She has put on not a single strand of hair was out of its place . She was very tall for an Asian woman almost 5'9ft.
It was an intimidating height for me .

I was short just 5'2. She had a wrinkled face , Her eyes as sharp as an eagle watching my every move as I slurped the soup. The food tasted bland .

I felt uncomfortable because she had been watching me without blinking .

"Could you please give your eyes some rest you're drilling holes in my body with those black beads of yours" I stood up leaving my food .

"It's my duty to watch over you" She's been working for 50 Years like this or my father has had some word with her.

"It would be an act of kindness if you don't make me uncomfortable " I requested in my sour tone .

I slammed the door close and went outside . The driver was waiting inside the car .

I hopped in .

The campus was huge and just like its name filled with daffodils.
The students all wore uniforms and were rushing inside the gate like a swarm of bees.
At the sight of my car they stopped while some staggered inside .
I hate crowds. I took my bag and hopped outside people were staring at me as if I'm some alien . I realised it was my hair . Almost everyone had ebony or black hair while only some seemed to have dyed them . They were probably the unruly students or the trainee .

I was so sure of gossip circulating about me this morning and I was right.

Inside the class I felt isolated all had friends and their buddies to talk to while I sat there alone .
People came to me just to interview me and ask inappropriate questions .
The lectures were going well I seemed to have outshine the topper of this school in one day .

I gained some enemies on the first day .

The teacher was so marvelled by my poetry that she couldn't stop showering me with praises.

I felt amazing because back in the USA I was acknowledged but not to this extent.
I had achieved great milestones there but didn't get this much appreciation.
Probably because I attended a private school where everyone was far more better than me .

"Vivian have you seen around the school yet ?" The teacher asked .

"No" I said softly.

"Then Iseul Choi will show you around during recess" .

I didn't know who the teacher was talking about until someone whined loud enough for the teacher to hear and just ignore .

It was time for recess , and I was eager to go around and see but Iseul had gone off somewhere. I waited for a minute but he didn't come back .

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