Men are more expensive than women 2

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    Su Momo officially became Mu Hanqing's adopted son.

    Mu Hanqing already regarded this adopted son as a tool, so naturally she didn't force her to change her name.

    Therefore, Su Momo managed to keep his name.

    It was also at this time that Li Yue knew that the child's name was not "Su Momo", but "Su Momo".

    Only then did he know that this child was literate, at least he could write his own name.

    That night, Su Momo was taken to wash by her servants. She did not agree to be served by the servants to take a bath, but washed alone.

    After Mu Hanqing heard the servant's report, she only thought that the adopted son had lived alone for too long, and he was still vigilant, and he was not used to others being close to him.

    It's not a big deal, and he doesn't plan to take care of it.

    Soon, Su Momo came out after taking a shower and putting on new clothes.

    The child who was originally dressed in sackcloth now looks like a little boy.

    The young boy's figure was exceptionally thin. He was wearing a blue gown, and his black hair, which had become docile after taking a bath, was scattered behind him.

    Obviously he is only nine years old, and his height only reaches the waist of an adult, but his words and deeds make people feel that he has an outstanding temperament and a myriad of appearances.

    Seeing the little boy approaching from a distance, almost everyone held their breath.

    Not only because of his demeanor.

    More importantly, is that face.

    Due to the long-term refugee life, Su Momo not only has a thin body, but also has no flesh on his face, showing a bit thin.

    After washing, the dirt on his face was washed away, and the eyes that were originally like black pearls in Li Yue's eyes became more prominent.

    Strictly speaking, Su Momo's appearance is not good-looking.

    After all, he is only nine years old, even though his facial features are good, they haven't opened yet.

    Due to long-term starvation, even though he is very talented and has fair skin, but his face lacks a little sensuality, he is definitely not good-looking.

    But I don't know whether it's because the light from the lanterns on both sides of the veranda is too good, or the young boy's demeanor is too outstanding. Everyone who saw the boy on both sides had a thought: ——He is so


    Even Li Yue and Mu Hanqing, who were talking at the end of the corridor, paused.

    The two looked at the young man walking slowly ahead at the same time.

    Then, hold your breath at the same time.

    They don't know why either.

    Obviously what they saw was just a nine-year-old child, even a boy, but they just thought Su Momo was pretty.

    Of course, morality will not let them have other ideas.

    But the feeling of shock in his heart was hard to hide.

    Li Yue even thought suddenly: Maybe, he shouldn't have brought Su Momo here.

    He shouldn't be made Mu Hanqing's adopted son.

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