💔Small exploration- 80

139 6 2

Your pov-

As the two of you pick a random direction, and start walking, you notice how Bob will be completely focused on you in silence and then randomly zoned off while looking somewhere else. You smile to yourself and tug on his hand to get his attention, which turns to be successful since his eyes dart back to you and smiles much wider then before. A bit creepy, however you've learned this is just an odd trait of his. "Something on you're mind?" You ask him while jumping over a fallen branch on the quiet forest floor. There's not many sounds other then a few birds and the leaves crunching under your shoes, making you shiver slightly when you realize how quiet Bob is when walking, even with his large stature. He's barley made much noise, other than his breathing and a few twigs snapping.

"I'm just thinking of a few things we could do once the kids get back from trick or treating." He goes quiet for a bit again while looking around the area, shorty spotting an old run down hiking trail of sorts. He pulls you along and shortly breaks the silence for you both. "Ever wonder if demons or other creatures existed?" You smile a bit confused at the weird question but do nod, you can't think of a single person who hasn't thought of the idea at least once in their mind. You know how ideas of creatures expand all over the world, almost every big well known creature having their counterpart somewhere else in the world. "Well theres a spot a local legend of the town tends to show up. Well it technically has two places but the closer you get, the less yah get the chance to see it at all." You watch as the trail slowly turns to broken cobble, some of the stones having grass growing out of them. At some point you both head off the trail, up towards a hill that overlooks the graveyard.

"Er, yah...defiantly not a weird spot to go to..." You watch him chuckle at your comment and sots down on the grass. Before you can ask about this strange creature, he pulls you down to his side and shushes you. You decide to play along with the giant teddy and look over to the abounded war site. At first you see nothing to note and even Bob seems a bit annoyed at this since you hear him sigh and fall back onto the ground.

"At least theres still something nice to look at." You look down at him, seeing him staring you down with a soft smile and get startled when he pulls you down to his side. You sometimes question how the softy is or was a convicted criminal since the moment you're by his side, he seems to calm down. "I'm kinda happy you gave me a chance-" he lets out a chuckle and rubs his face slightly, looking back up at the forest above you both. "-you're really a sweet person, Darling. I promise you, I'm never letting you have a chance to run away from me." You can't help but shiver slightly at the comment but push the feeling to the side. "You cold?" You shave your head and notice his smile slightly larger as he keep staring at the tree tops and points up, making you respond the same. You can't help but freeze slightly when seeing two blood shot eyes staring down at you both from a high up branch. You can't help but notice how wide the birds eyes are, while its head tilts back and forth like its trying to figure out what you both are doing here. It takes you a few seconds to look at the rest of it and notice its just a big bird, one that blends in well with the few trees that still have leaves on them in this area. Bob pulls you closer to his side, holding your waist as if you where a fragile porcelain doll. 

"It's pretty...a little creepy, but pretty." You say while watching the bird hop down onto another branch. You keep watching it, eventually it leaves but shortly returns with a ball.  Bob seems to chuckles at its antics as it drops the ball down to you both. You sit up to toss it back to the bird, only realizing how old and dirty the thing is, and the large tri color beast easily grabs it. You notice the sun starting to set even more through the trees and look over to Bob, only then realizing he'd been watching you the entire time. His gaze is focused directly on you, almost barley blinking until he realizes you're looking back. He turns his head around, but you can still slightly make out him blushing from you catching his own antics. You smile at him and lean down, placing a soft kiss to his cheek, still a bit unsure about everything, but more comfortable with him. He looks up to you with wide eyes since he's normally the one to give you a small peck, but seems to love it just as much since his face flares in a red hue. In return he grabs your waist gain and pulls you down with him, just wanting to savor the time you have together.

"How about we stay a bit longer?" He stares back up at the trees. "Plus I doubt the picnic basket will be gone before we get back." You'd love to spend more time, but you also want to be back to pickup the kids before it gets too late.

"Not for much longe-" Before you can even finish, he looks back at you with a slight grin to his normally large smile.

"Love, I promise you a bear won't be at the picnic site." You can tell he's teasing you...

"I'm not scared of bears... I just wanna-"

"Get the rest of dinner?" Being cut off twice is definitely now annoying, but something is nagging you that he's trying to keep you from worrying about the kids.

"Bob, shut it." You wait a bit and he does stay quiet, however his grin gets a bit larger. He pulls out the truck keys for you to see.

"Fine, fine. We can leave soon, but I want cuddles when we get home." His grin turns back to a smile and he moves to give you the keys, but tosses them up to the bird, who quickly grabs them and flies off to the graveyard. "Woops~" Just as quick as he started chuckling is just as fast as he gets the hint to get up and run from you. You quickly chase after him, not fully enjoying his trick to keep you both here longer but find it slightly puppy like on him wanting more time for the date and your full attention, all because he knows the kids are safe and would rather be near you longer. Even if he can have your attention whenever he wants.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now