💔🍲Attic book - 24

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Your Pov- 

You had fallen asleep a while ago holding the kids and cuddled into Bob. The boys needed to get to bed so Bob had picked you up, gently setting his arms under your waist and leaning your upper half against his chest to take you upstairs to sleep in his bed.

When you finally wake up your body feels like something is on top of It. You assume it's Max curled up on you like normal but when you open your eyes you instead see Bob holding you tightly to himself. Your face turns slightly red noticing how close you both are but find Bob sleeping to be a quite nice sight since he looks so peaceful and reminds you of a sleeping bear. You slowly make your way out of his tight grip wanting it too not be awkward when he wakes up but when you almost get out of his grasp he pulls you back down and lays you on his chest. You're not sure how to escape this time since one of his arms is holding your legs down.

You decide to just wake him up not wanting to spend your entire day just in bed since you have things you need too do like asking John and Jack about the court date. You start by poking his face and he swats your hand away. You then try shaking him which just makes him roll over with you and finally you try escaping once more. You sigh not wanting to annoy him by how you wake him up but you must do this if needed. You take a breath and sigh.

"BOB YOUR KITCHENS ON FIRE WAKE TH-" Before you can even finish Bob is wide awake and looking around dazed and confused since he had just been woken up by your yelling. "Morning sleeping beauty, can I be let go of now?" He unhands you but gets up and walks quickly downstairs. You follow behind and can tell by his face he realized even by his still half conscious mind you tricked him. He turns around and you for once feel weirded out by his large smile on his face. You start backing away sheepishly smiling, hoping whatever he had planned wasn't going to backfire on you for what you had done just moments prior to him. He surprises you when he randomly bolts towards you causing yourself to start running out the house as fast as you humanity can.

"Bob please I promise I just did it to get you to move!" You dodge him when he tries pinning you against the wall and again when he tries grabbing your shirt. You can see the puppies run outside confused on what you are both up too and run up to Bob stopping him in his tracks for just a moment, giving you a chance to run and escape from whatever death he had planned for you take this chance given you you by whatever god.

"Have mercy you walking marshmallow bear thing!!!!" He starts chuckling so you run back into the house almost tripping over yourself or other items, up into the attic before Bob would have the chance to catch onto where you're trying to hide. You hug your legs up to your chest trying to catch your breath and start quietly laughing over what just happened. Once you calm down you hear Bob searching downstairs for you. You know for a fact if he catches you he'll try getting some type of revenge on you and to be completely honest with yourself you have no idea what he could have planned as revenge or if he was just trying to tease you. You calm your breathing down fully finally so you can look around at your soundings inside the old but surprisingly fairly clean attic loft like area. You see that it most have at once point been used as a bedroom since a fairly large yet old looking bed is in here along with a chest and bookshelf.

You sit up stretching your muscles a bit from not always running as much as you just did. When you look back at the bookshelf you notice an old but clean looking book placed on the shelf at an odd angle so you pick it up and open to the first page which you can see is stained most likely from being read so much. In it you learn that Bob himself had wrote different recipes for his butcher shop mixed diner and even some step to step process on how to cut certain cuts from different animals he's encountered. You flip to the next page and see its a recipe for stew, A similar one Bob had cooked for you and Max before. You look at the ingredients and instructions slightly curious on how he made it taste so good, that is until you realise it has ingredients that include the use of human body parts. You start flipping through the book and realize this was his cook book for when he was a cannibal. Not only that but many pages are ripped out, added in, changed many times, or completely scribbled out aggressively. You set it back not exactly sure of how to feel about finding such an item still in Bob's house but eventually you conclude that it might still be in here since he might have forgotten about it. 'He'd been in jail for a while and had to change a lot after he got out, so it's probably just he didn't know it was still here...'

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt