Change of plans - 64

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Roy's Pov-

It's close around noon by now. Y/N and Bob should be coming to get us eventually. Allssan hasn't been bad, she actually reminds me of Ross's dad somewhat. She's currently showing this massive balled python to us, but keeping a little distance. Max really seems to like the snake and doesn't really know that they can get spooked if messed with improperly...but he's listening.

"Let me put this baby up and pull out my newest rescue you two will love." She soon comes out with a really small snake. She motions for me to extend my arm and I do with some hesitation. She places it on my sweater sleeve but closer to my hand then face. It starts to sniff me and then stares right at me.

"It won't bit me...right?" She chuckles a bit and shakes her head.

"I'm an ass to my siblings, not little kids." Max glares at her.

"Next person who curses gets to play fashion with me." I don't know why he used that as a threat but it seems to work for Allssan. I look back to the snake and see it bobbing it's head.

"Don't worry so much with general, he's pretty old and has maybe a year left in him....try scratching his head." I hesitantly do so and he seems to like it since it starts leaning into my hand. When I stop he puffs out his neck pretty large.


"Don't worry, he just cranky." We hear a knock at the door and Allssan takes General from me and places him back into his cage. We head over to the door and and see Bob and Y/N are here. Y/N seems pissed off and Bob is trying their best to comfort them. Max quickly hugs Y/N, who picks him up and holds him close.

Bob and Y/N thank Allssan for babysitting and everyone says their goodbyes. Before we head out Bob drops Y/N off at the police station and drives off again. "What's Nabi doing?"

"Y/N gots to talk with the cops about some issues, originally I was going to but other shit came up." I chuckle to myself seeing Max seething with rage upon hearing Bob curse. Once we get home Max heads straight upstairs, running around different rooms and comes down with a basket of random things. Both me and Bob are confused by this but wait for Max to explain.

"You keep cursing so I'm using what I used to do with Nabi!" Me and Bob sit down with him to learn what the game is...this won't end well.....

Your Pov-

"John I will find cactus and shove it up your ass, what do you mean the lawyer bailed?" You've been talking to the cops for 2 hours now, Jack walks over to you and hands you his stress ball while John starts explaining all the needless details and finally gets to the main part.

"And so because of that he saw the case as no good, wouldn't fall in your favor, and also stated you're insane."

"How long until the court date?"

"About a month of two it got pushed due to the laser issue and we are trying to get it moved to a better court outside the town, and we will find you a better lawyer, we promise." Jack tries calming you with a pat to the back but you stop him.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now