💔Bob place - 14

904 41 14

Your Pov-- slightly in the past- 

You just got woken up by some noise outside your room. You assume it's just Max, but something doesn't feel right, so you get up and leave your room to figure out what he's doing. But when you see the front door, your heart stops. 'Max knows not to leave the house at night...shit did someone break in or did he open it?" You quickly exit your house, looking around for any signs of your kid. He couldn't have gotten that far... There's a car, but you don't own one... You feel a tug on your shirt. You realize it's Max and quickly grab his arms.

"Why are you outside?" He's shaking, but currently you don't care, both of you could be in danger. You pull both of you closer to the wall of the house just so no one can grab you from behind.

"Someone wanted inside, they had a gun and threatened to hurt me when I opened the door. They told me it was the police, but they lied... I'm sorry" You pull him into a hug. Calming down, you know Max is just a kid who doesn't know better. But getting threatened is not a good thing, especially if the car is still here.

"Max, where did they go?"

"They ran over there when we saw you walking to the door." You push Max inside and shut the door, making sure to lock it. If they aren't too far away, then even trying to get the license plate can be risky, and you do not need Max going to an orphanage at all. You check the time and notice it's close to 11.

"How about we get you to bed?"

"But what if they come back?" He's right; Max has a window in his room. If the person wanted to, they could easily break through it. Being now paranoid, you make sure everything is lucked up and grab some blankets and pillows for you both, making a small makeshift bed in the kitchen for Max. You make sure to call the police and tell them about the situation. You end up pacing around for a bit, occasionally looking outside to make sure no one is out there. Checking back at the oven clock, it's almost 1 in the morning, and no cops have shown up at all. You get startled when you hear the car start back up. You quickly move Max off the counter and behind it if the guy tries to shoot at all. You wait a while, then go to check out the window. The car was gone; in its place were those weird black smudges you normally see from donut spins by people who think they're the world but in reality are fucking up a business parking lot. You start pacing, not being able to sleep even if the guy took their car. After a bit, you can see Bob walking down the sidewalk. He's helped you guys a lot, but you'd genuinely feel better knowing someone else was around. You open the door, noticing he's already there.

"Hey, w-what are you doing out here at night?"

"Just taking a stroll. I have a shipment coming in soon, so I'm just waiting on it." You give him a small nod.

"Hey, I know this might seem weird, but can you stay until your shipment arrives?"

"Something happen?" His smile is still plastered on his face.

"Max told me someone showed up and threatened them but ran when I came out. There was a car, but it's gone."

"I'd be glad to protect you both, and whoever threatened Max should be killed." As scary as Bob can be, he's better to be around than to stay alone, paranoid that something bad will happen. You let Bob inside, and he looks around the place, probably to make sure nothing was stolen, but you don't have much to begin with. Max is on the counter eating some left over stew since neither of you could fall asleep from the stress. Bob has a sweet heart because he started heating up the stew up for Max. You would have stopped him and taken over, but Max started shaking. You get on the counter with him and start hugging Max in a comforting manner. This entire time, after what had happened, Max had barely said a word out loud.

"You doing good, bud?"

"....I'm just worried they will come back." Bob sets a bowl down for everyone and looks over to you both.

"Don't worry, I'm positive they won't come back, trust me." Max's eyes seem to light up at this. He relaxes a bit later, but you're still thinking about where the guy went or if he'll come back. You get startled when Bob pulls you and Max into a hug, but soon you're hugging him back, enjoying the comfort. "I'll make sure no one harms you both. I promise that." Bob chuckles and gives you both one last big squeeze before handing you both a bowl of stew. You let out a shaky breath and started eating. For a while, Bob tells you both interesting stories from his hunts. One rabbit was so smart that it climbed up a tree by bouncing off two branches for leverage like it was a parkour pro.

He felt bad, so when he caught it, he put a fake tracking tag on it so other hunters wouldn't kill the smart animal. After a few stories, you both seem to calm down quite a bit. Bob seems happy about this.

"How about we stay at my place tonight? You both can sleep all day tomorrow if you need." He takes the now empty bowls and rinses them out in the sink. Since the adrenalin and fear have left you both and it's almost 3 in the morning... You wouldn't mind it. Bob's given you n-...er he has but he's been released from prison, so yah, otherwise he's given you no real reason not to trust him.

"Alright. I'll grab some blankets and pillows." You start folding some blankets up while Bob says he'll be back with his truck. You now have to make a second pile because while you were turned around, Max decided to lay on the one you've been making...kids lucky he's cute.

"Why are we going to his house?"

"Well, neither of us feel safe here, right?" Max nods his head. "And someone threatened to harm you earlier?" He nods his head again.

"And you're scared?" You smile at Max and nod. It's not wrong to let your kids know that even you get scared sometimes, and this is a moment to let him know it's ok to feel unsafe and ok to take help from others.

"We're going because I need to make sure no one comes to harm us, and because Mr. Bob was kind enough to offer." Max goes quiet for a while. You sit down next to him and rest on the second pile you made.

"Do you like mister Bob?"

"Well, yes... He's helped us out a lot and has been kind. He's a nice friend, Max." Max once again goes quiet.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now