🍲False home - 39

357 23 7

Bob's Pov-  

After some talking I quickly cut Streber off and wave to him goodbye. The guys sweet and all but I really need to get going. Who knows how much longer the kids can stay safe. Unfortunately are old attempts of getting information or even the kids themselves from the bastard failed and we had quickly learned why. The major had been on the mans side since the bastard paired him a large amount of money to allow him to kidnap the kids.

Hence me leaving on my own now. I had made sure to get a cultist to call the major to give me some time and distract him. Other cultist had started calling him throughout the past few days and been acting as spam callers, people threatening his life, or sending pictures and text of exactly were he lived. But as the cop himself stated, no one would care if he were to be put into place.

We had just done it a bit quicker then he had thought. But of course police officers who wanted to keep the peace would go the legal route first. Pepper picks up her pace knowing this area. She pulls on her collar so much I release her from her leash and Gove her the signal to free roam off leash. 

She gladly goes from simple walking towards full speed running down the cold murky streets while letting out a blood curdling laugh. I smile and watch as my beloved pets claws grip and claw at the cement, leaving gashes where she once pawed at. She disappears into an alleyway and I let myself easily follow the gashes. I finally meet up with her at the apartment, her staring straight at the fence that keeps her from getting inside.

I send a message to Jerry saying we made it to the restaurant safely and we'll have the new shipment in soon. Once I click send I whistle out and point to my side. Pepper does as commanded and sits right at my side.

"Think the bars are hallow..." The bars look fairly old. A few have the old classic black paint chipping off them. Pepper stares at them intently. She then sneezes and waits for my order.

"Then go at it if you think it's good." Pepper bolts to the fence and instead of bearing her muzzle at one single bar she goes after three at a time quickly finding the area of the weakest bars. Ones left in the most sun light, rain, rusted over, less paint covering them, small dents and chips, every single detail she uses against the fence.

Soon enough the fence looks like it's been mawed by a bear. Which in our case works out perfectly since the skull structure of a Tibetan Mastiff has an almost identical muzzle and teeth to that of bears. But since so much has been attacked it would be impossible to even know where one bite mark began and where one ended. 

She pulled off multiple bars before she found the gold mine of an old, rusted over, re painted section of fence that when examining the insides was more hollow and rusted then the rest. A down fall some apartments have is the only repair a single section of fence lining rather then the entire thing, and they rarely replace anything. If they are able, all they do is paint over with shinny new paint.

She specifically went after areas closer to the bases, the top bars and bottom bars. Working her way to the middle and then rip sections off like they were made of nothing. Once she made a large enough section I entered through and snapped for her to go after the rest a bit more. She ripped off other bars making it look less like trying to enter in and more like a blind rage attack where weakened sections were wreaked easier.

I had already been walking away and occasionally looking back to her. I kept an eye out for any subtle notice of not being from here. Anyone would know apartments are stayed in for a long time so the locals love decorating the outsides of their doors or surrounding area. Anything from mats, plants, lights, special curtains, anything or notice. Most homes had any combination of these items, A few sharing them between each other.

Soon Pepper meets back with me and I pull off Max's lamb stuffed animal for her to sniff. A normal dog can smell old smells a week old and the kids have been gone slightly longer. While Peppers breed are not natural hunters they are used often in search and rescues, or tracking depending all on how well you can train them. And one such as myself needing a good hunting dog companion, of course I'd find one good at tracking, only I needed to hunt. The larger, intimidating, territorial, loyalty, and strength of her are only bonuses to me.

She digs her muzzle well into the smaller stuffed creature before pulling back, sniffing the ground a few times and letting out a loud sneeze. She then trots around until she seems to get a good trail and starts to follow it. She stays quite low to the ground making her seem seem like a fat and fluffy dog rather then a large beast of an animal.

A few people came out so I wave to them and act as if I'm a new comer and just walking my dog. Some of the kids ask to pet her which I allow since I need to keep an act up. Every time they leave I hold out the lamb for her to sniff again so she know exactly what to look for. 

Once she gets closer to the apartment we need to be at she gets quicker and quicker until she's trotting towards a specific building and then door. She sits in front of a barren door clearly repainted door for a new comer and then loudly sneezes a few times. She clearly expect this to be the right place so I look around to see if this apartment building has a back alley attached to the buildings, A few do but not all. I put on my paint and headband so the Man won't recognize me instantly but Roy will.

Unfortunately it doesn't have one so I decide to pull out an old unused card and a few clips to open the door. After a few times the door opens. I motion for Pepper to stay put while I look inside.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now