💔Big Bad and Lamb Chops- 8

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Your Pov- 

You're still eating your bowl of the stew with Max and Bob. You really enjoy how well Bob can cook. Max even seems to enjoy it as well. Now that you think of it, the meat Bob gave you should last a week, meaning you can save that money for anything else that's needed. You frown when realizing you need to find a job soon. You have enough money to last the month but any longer and money can become an issue.

"Hey Bob?" You watch his head perk up from his bowl. 'He must have been in thought, I sounded what made him preoccupied?'

"Yyyeeesss Lamb chops?" You choke yet again on your stew not expecting the nickname. He's starting to laugh his ass off from your reaction while Max is patting your back as you're hunched over trying to choke up the meat. "Aw come on now lambs, don't die on me yet. Weren't you the one to start the nicknames?" You see him smirking like he's proud of catching you off guard. Soon after one last cough you stand up straight again.

"Actually if I remember correctly a certain gentle man carrying a single parent and their kid's groceries only just after meeting started it up." He's still has his goofy yet oddly uncanny smile on his face but has stopped his laughter. Just beside you, you watch as two small little arms hold out an empty bowl for seconds.

"I might have forgotten I called you that...heh..." His smile seems to get more soft while you let out a small chuckle. You grab Max's bowl and scoop out some more of the stew. This is the first time in a while Max has been wanting seconds. Normally you trick him into eating more or he falls asleep after eating. He's no where near being overweight, but you try your hardest to make sure he eats enough, even if its sometimes difficult to get him to eat more.

"He seems to really like your cooking, well even I do." You hand the bowl back to Max and soon enough he digs in. You turn back to look at Bob. He has this overly proud but not at all cocky look on his face.

"Thanks, most of my recipes I hand made myself, it's nice to hear and see you both enjoy it. I won't lie when I say I might just start dropping by with some food every once in a while just to get to see ya both." You smile at the idea. Bob has so far been the kindest person you've encountered in this town. Now thinking of it, he said his towns nickname for him was the Red Devil, you wonder why they call him that. You let out a chuckle which gets Bobs attention. He raises an eyebrow from your random behavior.

"What's got you giggling about?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about how most might think with how well you cook that you might sold your soul to the devil. You really are good cooking." Your smile at him is genuine. You really do like his food, but you think you might have said something wrong since his smile falters a bit.

"Oh, yah I guess you could say that. But in all truth that's not something I'd sell my soul for if I could." Your about to respond when you hear a knock on the door.

"Watch Max please? Ima go get the door." You turn and start walking when you hear him say "You can easily see everything but don't worry, ill make sure he doesn't do anything dumb, or fall."

You chuckle at his comment. You then open the door to see some officers. "Uh...hi officers? What brings you here." You give them a polite smile hoping nothing bad is happening...

"You're Y/N we presume?" You give them a nod only slowly realizing why they might be here for. "Eh don't worry this won't take much of your time. So we hope you have the le-"

"Yes I have the legal documents for this place, and if a women by the name of M/N (Moms name) called you to report me kidnapped or missing, please, kindly tell them to stop putting in false reports cause I'm about to file harassment against them." You look as if your about to rip someone you hate a lot arm's off and feed it to their family in a pie without telling anyone until everything has been eaten.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now