💔Brownies and plotting - 43

426 23 19

Your Pov-  

You wake up once again being held by your friend and holding your tiny child. You pull Max close to you, hugging him and not wanting to let him go. Laying in bed like this feels comforting since it feels like a small family. 

You don't understand why you feel so close and attached to Bob. It might be since he's helped you and even multiple kids he has not relations with multiple times before. You look behind you and see him peacefully sleeping. His head nuzzled in your back and one of his arms wrapped around your waist. His other arm being wrapped around Max in a protective manner.

You slowly move out from his grasp since you want to make breakfast for everyone and bake some treats for Roy. You manage to get off the bed without waking anyone and as you leave the bed room you look back and see Bob had pulled Max over to himself and looks very protective. You chuckle a bit from what looks like a bear protecting a small baby lamb.

You head downstairs and start pulling out everything you need to bake some waffles and brownies. You enjoy some time to yourself and enjoy baking everything. By the time the waffles are cooking you have been mixing the brownies when you feel a tug on your shirt. You turn around seeing Max being held by a very tired half awake man. You chuckle and Bob notices the bowl of brown murk in your arms.

"Whatcha making?" He reaches a hand out wanting to have a taste so you grab a spoon and let him try some. He seems to enjoy it and you let Max try some as well who also gives an approving praise on the brownie mix. Bob sets Max down and pulls out a pan and a couple of seasonings. You're a bit confused until he pulls out some bacon, eggs, and a really dark yet fish like meat.

"Small tip since both of you seem to be iron deficient, drinking or eating items full of milk can cause iron deficiency to become worse." He pulls you in front of the stove resting his arm around you. "So while enjoying milky treats, always make sure you eat stuff night in protein and iron." You smile at and nod. 

Something you've missed for a long time surprises you since Max clings to your leg like he's done many times in the past. You can easily still walk around since he doesn't weight much. You ruffle his hair and Bob helps you finish up baking.

"How do you know so much with cooking?" 

"I've been a butcher for a long time, A few kids used to eat my food before I started my place as part diner. So I kept learning, got better, and eventually I opened up the diner. Most of it is talking with others and experimenting." He seems proud of his abilities which seems sweet. Once everything is finished before you take everything off pans you get the Boys attention.

"How about we bring this over to Roy?" The two seem happy with this.

"We can vist?" Max has gotten off you legs and seems even more excited so you nod you head and look up to Bob. He nods his head and starts packing up things into a cooler he pulled from under the sink while Max quickly heads upstairs for his lamb. While you and Bob pack up a few of the puppies come over to you both. 

Once everything is pack Bob picks the cooler and Max up. Everyone packs up into the truck and soon Bob starts driving to the hospital. Max is very excited which helps puts everyone into a good mood. Once you all arrive, you sign in, go through simple security checks and find Roy's room.

Roy seems really seeing everyone and Max climbs straight onto his bed. They give each other a hug. Bob pulls out the food and helps everyone set up their foods.

"So how's everything bud?" You sit on the other side of Roy and Max who seem greedily hungry for waffles, brownies, bacon, eggs, and the same weird mystery meat. Roy puts down a waffle so he can respond.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now