What annoys a bear - 66

187 11 6

Your Pov-

"I regret asking...." Once you both get home Bob acts overly protective, worried that your ex followed you both here. You both get inside and Bob makes sure everything is closed and locked, while you gently pick both the kids up and bring them upstairs. You jump when Bob sneaks up behind you on accident by hugging you from behind after you placed the kids in bed.

"I got all the dogs." He mumbles into your neck. You look behind and sure enough all the dogs are wagging their tails happy to see you both got home safely. The dogs pile around the bed while little Stevia walks up to you both. She nuzzles your leg seemingly understanding the two of you are stressed out.


"Did we wake you?" You're a bit surprised Max woke up, hopefully you and Bob weren't loud. Roy still seems passes out thankfully. Max sits up in bed, reaching out for you and doing the little grabby hands. You chuckle and pick him up easily.

"Kinda...why are you both still up?" Bob lets you go so you sit on the bed while still holding Max. Bob leaves downstairs for something and Pepper quickly gets up and follows. Carda walks over to you and Max after hearing he's awake. You pick her up and set her on the bed beside you both, allowing her to lay her head on your lap.

"We had some things we needed to do. Why don't you go back to bed bud?" Not surprisingly Max curls up and tries sleeping in your arms causing you to chuckle a little. "In bed, i need to talk with Bob." He nods and grabs Carda, and goes over next to Roy to sleep. You get up and look around for Bob, not finding him anywhere you check the attic.

"Hey, are you up here?" You see him moving around Boxes and opens one of them. "Whatcha looking for?"

"A whistle...for the kids, it was apart of Peppers training which got her attention. If that bastards still around I'm not letting the kids stay unprotected...." You walk over to him and sit beside him while he sorts through the box.

"I think that's it." You grab a silver chain under some old water balloons along with a few water bottles and proceed to pull out an old dog whistle. Bob sighs in relief while you to smile at him. You lean against him and hand him the whistle. 

"So what do you think we should do?"

"Restraining orders never stopped him, whatever happened at his apartment hasn't stopped him, my sister almost shooting his head off didn't stop him-"

"Wait she shot him?"

"Bouncers at a bar seeing him following a single parent at night didn't stop him, the one time i saved up for a taser didn't keep him away, if anything he managed to steal it from me....theres a lot of shit i haven't told you." Bob wraps an arm around you.

"Lets head to bed and figure everything out in the morning......I'll see if Jerry can help out in getting rid of him." You both get up and head back to the bedroom and Pepper walks over to you both, sniffing the whistle. Bob sets the whistle on the side desk next to the bed and turns back to you, picks you up and flops onto the bed. Which the pressure ends up tossing both kids in the air.... It doesn't help Max was laying his head on Roy's stomach and ends up head butting Roy full force, waking both up and making them fairly confused on what the hell happened.

"What earthquake was that?" Roy pushes Max off him which Max in turn only flops to the side not wanting to get up. Bob groans from the bad joke but you can see him smiling at the same time.

"One that's going to tickle the shit out of you if you don't sleep." Everyone waits a bit for Max to pipe in but all you can see is him tiredly asleep, holding his little lamb.

"Pretty sure I can out run you old man." While Bob starts pushing you off him Roy gets up from the bed and runs off as best as he possibly can somewhere, soon followed by Bob running after his ass. Pepper scoots over to you and jumps on the bed, sealing Bobs spot on the bed and rolls over.

"Pepper you don't move and I'm sure you're next." You pet her tummy and find her favorite spot, making her leg kick out and It seems to make her happy.


"You signed your own death warrant Roy!" You chuckle after yelling that and get up to head downstairs to make sure neither kill the other, with Pepper and Turmeric following shortly behind you. You find Bob looking around the kitchen so you look in places you know kids might actually hide, mainly based of the past with Max. You easily find him behind the couch and motion you'll keep quiet but for him to follow.

You both make your way upstairs and you open the attic, knowing full well Bob wouldn't think of this. Roy gets into the attic and you close the attic door. You walk back downstairs and see Bob fairly confused on where Roy could be.

"Er, have you seen him?"

"Nope, I've lost Max I don't know how many times and still suck at finding kids." Straight up lied to his face but it's not for anything bad, just to help out Roy and confuse Bob more. He walks around for a bit more and eventually heads up stairs. 

Pepper starts pawing at the fridge so you open it up and she sits politely by the side while waiting for you to give her a treat. You pull out some ham and hand it to her after a quick paw shake. She takes it and sets it down next to Turmeric, who gladly eats the treat. You smile while petting the two and jolt hearing Bob scream.

You run up the stairs with the two dogs following just behind and find Bob soaking wet, along with the attic door slightly open. Bobs facing away from the attic so when he turns, Roy already has the attic closed again. He seems really confused on what happened. Max walks out of the bedroom not looking fairly happy and does a the soft head butt to the leg thing pets do, and just stays like that. You pick him up and take him back to the bedroom, stopping at the door and sitting down to watch Roy mess with Bob. Max curls up in your arms and also watches as Roy randomly throws water balloons at Bob, who is still fairly confused and is turning around almost every three seconds trying to see where he is.

After bit the water balloons stop coming down, meaning he probably ran out of them or water. Either way Bobs striping from his sweater and trying to find a shirt to replace it. He's given up on trying to find Roy but hasn't on catching him. You give a thumbs up to him when he checks if the coast is clear to come down. You get up and try placing your passed out baby down on the bed but he clings to you like a koala, forcing you to lay down with him. Bob finally comes out of the bathroom with clean clothes on and sees Roy hoping into bed.

"I'm going to get you later." From that Roy scoots up closer to you and sticks his tongue out at Bob when you make Bob leave him be. Bob gets forced to sleep on the other side of the bed since Roy is next to you, but the two change spots since Roy doesn't like feeling trapped and Bob likes holding you.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ